
Love Is More Than Gifts

- Lan Huiyun

Some people argue that Valentine’s Day has become commercial­ized and has been turned into a day to show off luxury gifts received in the name of love. Indeed, on Valentine’s eve, swarms of people can be seen in malls and gift shops desperatel­y searching for last-minute gifts like tacky stuffed animals, expensive boxes of chocolates and all sorts of pink knick knacks to give their loved ones. Many husbands have to wrack their brains for a gift to buy their wives, in many cases spending a fortune on luxury products.

I have been married for five years, and I think as a wife I should receive some form of gift on this day from my husband. Having said that, however, I also think it is a day when we have a good reason to make time in our busy lives to tell our partners how much we love them. A gift should be a way of showing love and not a way of showing off. It’s not about how much money you spend on Valentine’s Day that’s important; it’s the thought that counts.

Valentine’s Day only comes once a year, and to make it unforgetta­ble and special, there are many affordable ways to celebrate it. One suggestion would be writing a heartfelt love letter that expresses things you have not said for some time. Everyone likes reading about how much they’re loved in words written by the person who loves them.

Alternativ­ely, you can cook for your partner, anything from a hearty brunch to romantic dinners and sweet desserts. Do something fun and memorable and most of all, spend quality time together, as this is the whole purpose of Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to reconnect on things you haven’t gotten to talk about in a while because the pressure and stress of work and life in general. Discuss your dreams for the future, remember great memories from early in your relationsh­ip, and reconnect on an intimate level about your journey together. Most importantl­y, don’t forget to say “I love you.” It doesn’t cost anything but it means a great deal and will make your Valentine’s Day more memorable, romantic and enduring.

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