
Food From Africa An assortment of food products from Africa draw attention at the Third CIIE

- By Ge Lijun

African products are in high demand in the Chinese market, and the China Internatio­nal Import Expo (CIIE) is a unique platform to promote them. At the third CIIE held in Shanghai in November, food products from Africa drew eyes of visitors. A major producer and exporter of olive oil, Tunisia has over 80 million olive trees, with some 90 percent of its production destined for export. As Chinese consumers are increasing­ly concerned about having a healthy diet, more and more people are consuming olive oil, and the potential of the Chinese market is enormous.

Zambia Mupende Wild Honey, establishe­d in 2015, is the only company in Africa that can export honey to China. The company, which was present at the first CIIE, has been cooperatin­g with a company based in Shanghai since the second CIIE and has since opened an online store. This year, it will start selling beeswax candles in the Chinese market in addition to their honey.

Since the first CIIE in 2018, Hema Fresh, an online-tooffline retail platform of Alibaba Group, and the Rwanda Developmen­t Board have been cooperatin­g in the framework of the World Electronic Trade Platform (EWTP). In October 2019, Hema Fresh started selling African chili peppers, and the Rwandan chili sauce will arrive on Chinese tables this year with a new packaging.

A Chinese company is producing baby food supplement­s from Kenyan avocados. Kenya is the fifth country in the world, and the first in Africa, to be allowed to export avocados to China.

Benin’s cashew nuts have everything to please and great success with importers who appreciate their value for money.

Macadamia nuts from Rwanda are better known by Chinese consumers at the third CIIE.

Ebenezer United Stores and Sons Company Limited promoted black tea from Uganda.

Ethiopia is one of the leading producers of Arabica coffee in Africa, with one of the world’s best Arabica varieties. Coffee is rooted in the country’s culture. Its Arabica, an essential source of income for Ethiopia, has started to make a name for itself among Chinese consumers in recent years. CA

 ??  ?? Olive oil from Tunisia
Olive oil from Tunisia
 ??  ?? Honey from Zambia
Honey from Zambia

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