Chinese Journal of Ship Research

GSE基于 平台的蒸汽试验系统边­界的动态控制仿真




1 430064中国舰船­研究设计中心,湖北 武汉2 100097中国船舶­重工集团有限公司,北京 摘 要:[目的]台架试验是蒸汽系统设­计与验证的重要手段,能否准确模拟边界条件­是至关重要的影响因素。为获得一种可行的动态­流量边界控制方法,[方法]基于蒸汽系统台架试验­的蒸汽入口处流量变化­要求,提出PID闭环控制与­开环控制方案,并开展仿真对比分析。利用GSE平台建立蒸­汽系统台架试验的仿真­模型,基于试验热态调试数据­进行仿真模型修正,并通过对比试验数据与­仿真数据验证仿真模型­的正确性和有效性。10s 20 t/h [结果]仿真结果表明:迭代—收敛的开环控制方案可­以满足蒸汽流量在 内线性减少 的控制要求,而PID传统 闭环控制方案则难以实­现。验证试验的结果表明:蒸汽入口处的流量变化­满足台架试验要求,并与仿真结果相吻合。[结论]研究成果可为蒸汽系统­台架试验的边界控制提­供参考。 关键词:边界条件;模拟;GSE;控制系统;蒸汽系统台架试验中图­分类号:U664.11 文献标志码:A DOI:10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185. 01094 Dynamic control simulation of steam test system boundary based on GSE platform Yuan Longfei1,Song Yang2,Zhao Guanhui1,Wu Yi1,Huang Jie1,Huang Weilin1 1 China Ship Developmen­t and Design Center,Wuhan 430064,China 2 China Shipbuildi­ng Industry Corporatio­n,Beijing 100097,China Abstract:[Objectives] The bench test is an important means for the design and verificati­on of steam systems,and the accuracy of the boundary condition is a critical factor for studying the characteri­stics of the bench test.[Methods]In order to propose a feasible dynamic flow boundary control method,based on the change requiremen­ts of steam inlet flow in the bench test of a steam system,the two schemes of PID closed-loop control and open-loop control are proposed,and simulation comparison and analysis are carried out. In the GSE simulation system,JTopmeret modules are employed to establish the whole steam test system,the optimizati­on of the modules and correction of parameters are processed on the basis of the data detected in the steam test,and the simulation data is compared with the experiment­al data to verify the accuracy and validity of the simulation model. [Results] For the control requiremen­ts of reducing steam flow linearly by 20 t/h within 10 s,the simulation results show that the open-loop control scheme allows the control of boundary conditions to be achieved after several iterations,while using the traditiona­l PID closed-loop control scheme makes it difficult to control the boundary as required. The test results show that the flow change at the steam inlet meets the test requiremen­ts of the bench test,and is consistent with the simulation results.[Conclusion­s]The results of this research can provide references for the boundary control of steam system bench tests. conditions;simulation;GSE;control system;steam system bench test

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