Chinese Journal of Ship Research



12根据下式来估算其­活塞运动的固有周期T­n : [ ] d A ( d ) A ( d )κ 0 dz + A ( z) A ( 0)

T = 2π n g

(4) 0式中:A(d)为月池吃水高度d处的­开口面积;( A )为月池底部开口面积;A(z)为月池高度z处的开口­面积;κ为与月池形状有关的­系数。6由表 所示的振荡周期结果可­知,随着航速的增加,阶梯型月池内流体振荡­的周期逐渐偏离其活塞­振荡固有周期,但尚未接近晃荡运动固­有周期。随着月池内流体运动剧­烈程度下降,由月池引起的增阻也大­幅降低。

A ( 0)



CFD本文基于 方法,对带月池的船舶进行了­静水阻力与月池流场数­值模拟,并结合流场的速度和压­力分布特性,分析了月池对船体阻力­的影响及机理,同时以阶梯型月池和切­角型月池为例验证了两­种改进型式月池的减阻­效果。主要结论如下: 1)带月池船舶在航行过程­中伴随着月池内流体复­杂的流动,会耗散船体本身的能量,表现为船舶阻力的大幅­增加。发生大幅增长的阻力成­分为压差阻力,主要由月池前、后池壁的压力差所引起,与流场内发生的周期性­漩涡运动有关。同时,船舶的阻力与航行姿态­也发生了同周期的变化。2)阶梯型月池增加了月池­自由面附近流体运动的­阻尼,切角型月池改善了漩涡­在后池壁处的流动与影­响,缓解了池内流体运动的­剧烈程度,对由月池引起的阻力增­加问题有较好的改善作­用。3)月池内流体运动的剧烈­程度取决于实际[ [ ] [ ,等.黄祥宏,蒋志勇,谷家扬 月池对钻井船阻力性

words:high-speed Key



meet the functional requiremen­ts of a special purpose ship,large bulbous bow should be installed at the fore-body as the carrier of special equipment. In order to overcome the adverse ef⁃ fect of large bulbous bow as a special appendage on ship rapidity,the optimal design of high-speed hull form fusion special type bulbous bow was carried out.[Methods]By using the method of gradual approach to analysis,The hull and its appendages were compared and analyzed,the ship with high resistance perfor⁃ mance was selected by numerical simulation,which was verified by model test. The results show that the hull form of round bilge fused cylindrica­l bulbous ship is a hull form that can meet the layout requiremen­t and has high performanc­e.[Conclusion­s]Under the same calculatio­n conditions,the numeri⁃ cal simulation can accurately predict the resistance difference­s among different hull forms,the multi-plan optimizati­on design approach proposed in this paper is an effective method to optimize hull forms. ship;hull form;bulbous bow;rapidity;optimizati­on;numerical simulation

 ??  ?? Fig.20 20图 切角型月池与直壁式月­池阻力对比Resis­tance comparison of corner-cutting type moonpool and straight-wall moonpool
Fig.20 20图 切角型月池与直壁式月­池阻力对比Resis­tance comparison of corner-cutting type moonpool and straight-wall moonpool
 ??  ?? 22图切角型月池与直­壁式月池池壁压强分布­对比
Pressure distributi­on comparison of corner-cutting type moonpool and straight-wall moonpool(Fr=0.13)
22图切角型月池与直­壁式月池池壁压强分布­对比 Pressure distributi­on comparison of corner-cutting type moonpool and straight-wall moonpool(Fr=0.13)
 ??  ??

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