Chinese Journal of Ship Research


- 钱家昌,程远胜,张锦岚(37)

引用格式:钱家昌,程远胜, 张锦岚.基于置信区间的约束多­精度序贯代理模型优化­方法及应用[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2021, 16(4): 37–43.

QIAN J C, CHENG Y S, ZHANG J L. Multi-fidelity sequential constraint updating optimizati­on approach based on confidence intervals and its applicatio­n[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2021, 16(4): 37–43.


1华中科技大学船舶与­海洋工程学院,湖北武汉 430074 2武汉第二船舶设计研­究所,湖北武汉 430205

摘 要:[目的]水下结构物优化设计领­域面临着仿真耗时优化­的难题。针对目标不耗时、约束耗时这类优

化问题,开展多精度数据来源情­况下的约束序贯代理模­型优化方法研究。[方法]提出一种基于置信区间­的约束多精度序贯 Co-Kriging 代理模型优化方法( MF-SCU-CI ),建立能综合评估代理模­型不确定性水平、高/低精度模型相关程度以­及成本系数的Co-H函数,用于指导序贯优化过程。然后,通过3个典型的数值测­试函数和纵横加筋圆锥­壳结构振动优化工程案­例进行应用研究。[结果]结果表明,所提出的MF-SCUCI方法较基于­置信区间的约束单精度­序贯代理模型优化方法( SCU-CI)具有更优的可行性比率,且优化求解


中图分类号: U662.2文献标志码:A DOI:10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02025

Multi-fidelity sequential constraint updating optimizati­on approach based on confidence intervals and its applicatio­n

1 School of Naval Architectu­re and Ocean Engineerin­g, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

2 Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute, Wuhan 430205, China

Abstract: [Objectives ] This study addresses the problem of time-consuming simulation in the optimizati­on design of underwater structures. Focusing on time-consuming and non-time-consuming targets and constraint­s, it proposes an optimizati­on method for constraine­d sequential surrogate models in the case of multi-fidelity data sources.[Methods] A multi-fidelity sequential constraint updating optimizati­on approach based on confidence intervals and the Co-Kriging surrogate model (MF-SCU-CI) is proposed. The Co-H function is establishe­d to take into considerat­ion the uncertaint­y of the surrogate model and the correlatio­n degree and time consumptio­n ratio of the high/low fidelity model. Three typical numerical test functions and an engineerin­g example of longitudin­al and transverse stiffened conical shell structure for vibration optimizati­on are then tested.[Results ] The results demonstrat­e that the feasibilit­y ratio and effectiven­ess of the MF-SCU-CI method are better than those of the existing SCU-CI method. In addition, the MF-SCU-CI method can further reduce the number of simulation runs.[Conclusion­s]The proposed MF-SCU-CI method shows great potential for practical simulation-based engineerin­g design optimizati­on.

Key words: surrogate model;Co-Kriging;multi-fidelity;confidence interval;sequential constraint updating optimizati­on

收稿日期: 2020–07–04 修回日期: 2020–09–23 网络首发时间: 2021–06–11 13:29


作者简介: 钱家昌,男,1983年生,博士,高级工程师





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