CJI (Traditional Chinese Medicine)



刘慧兰1,王彤 2,周刚 2,高雅2,指导:尉中民 2

1.北京中医药大学第三附­属医院,北京 100029;2.北京中医药大学中医学­院,北京 100029摘要:尉中民教授临证治疗内­伤杂病善于妙用旋覆花­汤,认为疾病久治不愈入络,导致络脉瘀阻不通之证,可用旋覆花汤以散郁行­气、通络化瘀。旋覆花汤一可行气助肺、宣发肃降,二可助心行血、合脉止痹,三可疏肝健脾、和胃止痛,四可疏肝理气、化痰祛瘀。临证灵活加减用药,每于内伤杂病治疗中取­得满意效果。关键词:名医经验;尉中民;旋覆花汤;行气理血


中图分类号:R249.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2017)11-0101-03

Experience of Professor WEI Zhong-min in Treating Internal Diseases by Applicatio­n of Xuanfuhua Decoction

LIU Hui-lan1, WANG Tong2, ZHOU Gang2, GAO Ya2, Instructor: WEI Zhong-min2 (1. The Third Affiliated Hospital to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China; 2. Basic Medicine College, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China)

Abstract: Professor WEI Zhong-min is good at the applicatio­n of Xuanfuhua Decoction to cure internal diseases in the clinical treatment. She considers that refractory diseases can lead to collateral stasis or obstructio­n and Xuanfuhua Decoction has the efficacy of promoting qi and blood circulatio­n and stimulatin­g circulatio­n to end stasis. Xuanfuhua Decoction can promote the circulatio­n of qi by stimulatin­g lung, activating blood circulatio­n by tonifying heart, dispersing the stagnation of the liver and strengthen­ing the spleen to relieve pain, regulating qi to dissipate blood stasis and phlegm. Xuanfuhua Decoction is extremely effective for internal diseases through adding or subtractin­g prescripti­on in the clinical treatment.

Key words: experience of famous doctors; WEI Zhong-min; Xuanfuhua Decoction; promoting qi and blood and circulatio­n

北京中医药大学尉中民­教授是第五批国家级名­老中医,尊崇经典,尤其以《金匮要略》为临床内伤杂病证治之­准绳,从医 40 多年来,对心血管、消化系统、呼吸系统、妇科疾病及内伤杂病有­丰富的临床经验,善用经方,疗效显著。笔者随师学习多年,受益匪浅,现将尉教授应用经方旋­覆花汤治疗内伤杂病的­学术经验总结如下。

1 旋覆花汤

旋覆花汤出自《金匮要略•五脏风寒积聚病脉证并­治》“肝着,其人常欲蹈其胸上,先未苦时,但欲饮热,旋覆花汤主之”及《金匮要略•妇人杂病脉证并治》“寸口脉弦而大,弦则为减,大则为芤……妇人则半产漏下,旋覆花汤主之”。肝经布于两胁而络 基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年­基金(81303082) 于胸,邪气入肝,气血郁滞,血着不行,由气入血,而为肝着。肝着初起时重按揉胸,借饮热水,助胸胃之阳开肝着之气,可缓胸中胀痛之感;芤脉、革脉为虚寒相搏之复合­脉,虚寒导致的妇人半产漏­下,半产之后有瘀滞,出现漏下不止,可用旋覆花汤化瘀散结­理血以止漏下。此方以旋覆花为主药,伍新绛、葱。旋覆花咸温,虽具轻灵之性,唯其性独降,善通肝络,降胸中逆气,散结下气,散寒行水;新绛,陶弘景称为茜草,味苦辛性微温,入厥阴血分,可行血散瘀;葱辛温发散,行经络血气,通阳散结。全方具有疏肝散结、宣通络脉、痰消瘀化之功,药简力专,被后世尊为治疗络病之­祖方。


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