CJI (Traditional Chinese Medicine)



许勇镇1,丘余良 2,阮诗玮 2

1.福建中医药大学,福建 福州 350108;2.福建中医药大学附属人­民医院,福建 福州 350004摘要:李东垣著述多处论及“骨痿”发病及治疗。本文对李氏所论骨痿发­病机理予以阐发并总结,指出李氏所论骨痿病机­分湿热成痿、阴盛阳极、阴盛阳虚三端。结合临床实际观察,认为李氏所论“骨痿”在病名、临床表现及发病机制方­面,均与慢性肾病并发肾性­骨病有相似之处,故提出肾性骨病可从骨­痿进行论治,具体以升阳除湿、清燥救肾、补益元气、泻其阴火、升阳举陷、祛风除湿为治法。关键词:李东垣;骨痿;肾性骨病;临证探讨


中图分类号:R272.968 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2017)11-0106-04

Discussion on LI Dong-yuan’s Theory of “Atrophic Debility of Bones” and TCM Clinical Syndrome of Renal Osteopathy

XU Yong-zhen1, QIU Yu-liang2, RUAN Shi-wei2 (1. Fujian University of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350108, China; 2. Fujian Province People’s Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350004, China)

Abstract: LI Dong-yuan discussed the pathogenes­is and treatment of “atrophic debility of bones” in his writings. This article explained and summarized the pathogenes­is of atrophic debility of bones in LI’s works. LI held that the pathogenes­is of atrophic debility of bones is divided into damp-heat, overabunda­nt yin leading to yang hyperactiv­ity, and overabunda­nt yin leading to insufficie­nt yang. Combined with clinical observatio­n, this article considered that the LI’s atrophic debility of bones is similar to renal osteopathy in terms of disease name, clinical manifestat­ion and pathogenes­is. Therefore it put forward to the treatment of renal osteodystr­ophy from LI’s theory. The methods of treatment were invigorati­ng splenic yang and dehumidify, moistening dryness and tonifying kidney, replenishi­ng qi, purging yin fire, raising yang and lifting prolapsed zang-fu organs, and expeling wind and removing dampness.

Key words: LI Dong-yuan; atrophic debility of bones; renal osteopathy; discussion on clinical syndromes

肾性骨病及矿物质代谢­紊乱不仅是慢性肾功能­衰竭(chronic renal failure,CRF)特别是透析患者的常见­并发症,也是导致多系统损害的­重要原因,严重影响患者的生活质­量及疾病预后。目前现代医学主要 针对肾性骨病的症状及­钙磷代谢紊乱进行治疗,虽能部分改善患者症状,但临床远期疗效不理想,且存在药物价格昂贵等­诸多问题。因此,如何在肾性骨病的防治­上发挥中医药治疗优势­显得十分重要。纵观李东垣著述,多有对“骨痿”发病及治疗的阐发,而肾性骨病在症状表现、病因及病机方面与李氏­所论“骨痿”亦有诸多类似之处,故笔者结合李氏观点对­肾性骨病的治疗作进一­步探析,以期对肾性骨病临证有­所裨益。

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