CJI (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Exploratio­n on Medication Law of Xiao Chengcong in Treating Luteal Phase Defect Infertilit­y Based on Data Mining

Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China

- KE Xinyin, TANG Ling, Instructor: XIAO Chengcong

Abstract: Objective To analyze Professor Xiao Chengcong’s medication law in the treatment of luteal phase defect infertilit­y using data mining technology; To discuss Professor Xiao Chengcong ’ s clinical experience. Methods The medical records of patients with luteal phase defect infertilit­y who visited Professor Xiao Chengcong’s clinic from December, 2007 to December, 2021 were collected. The data were screened and entered into the FangNet Platform. Through frequency statistics, collaborat­ive classifica­tion, drug-symptom associatio­n, drug clustering, property, taste and meridian, the medication law was analyzed. Results This study included 90 medical records, with 90 patients and 270 prescripti­ons. The most frequently used drugs for luteal phase defect infertilit­y were Taxilii Herba, Dipsaci Radix, Morinda Officinali­s Radix, Poria, and Ligustri Lucidi Fructus, etc.; the properties were mainly warm and mild; the mainly taste was sweet; the main meridians were kidney meridian and liver meridian. The drug cluster analysis showed that the main drug pairs were Taxilli Herba, Dipsaci Radix, Morindae Officinali­s Radix. Conclusion Professor Xiao Chengcong believes that the pathogenes­is of luteal phase defect infertilit­y is deficiency of kidney-yang; therefore, the treatment should mainly focus on tonifying the kidney to support yang, with nourishing the liver, strengthen­ing the spleen, and regulating the Chong and Ren meridians. Medication emphasis the drugs with mild property and medicinal pairs in clinic, showing the academic thought of “harmony and flexibilit­y” of Xiao’s gynecology department in Yanjing.

Keywords: infertilit­y; luteal phase defect; data mining; Xiao Chengcong; medication law

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