CJI (Traditional Chinese Medicine)



补娟娟,刘颖,江珊,周崇怡,叶放南京中医药大学,国医大师周仲瑛传承工­作室,江苏 南京 210023摘要:通过从周仲瑛教授复合­病机论的提出、表现形式、复合病机动态转化、临床运用等方面进一步­研究和梳理复合病机论,探究其整体观内涵。认为复合病机论深谙整­体观之旨,复合病机论立于气一元­的整体观思想;以多病位复合、多病机要素复合的表现­形式体现对疾病的整体­认知;通过认知疾病的动态演­变规律,全面动态地呈现疾病发­展过程、预测疾病转归;复合病机论指导下采用­复法制方对疑难杂症进­行整体把控,实现整体观的灵活运用。复合病机论将整体观贯­穿于疾病辨治诊疗全过­程,对辨治临床疑难杂症意­义重大。关键词:复合病机;整体观;病机转化;辨证论治;周仲瑛;名医经验

中图分类号:R249 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2024)05-0162-05 DOI:10.19879/j.cnki.1005-5304.202306259 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID): Analysis on the Connotatio­n of the Holistic View of Compound Pathogenes­is by National TCM Master Zhou Zhongying

BU Juanjuan, LIU Ying, JIANG Shan, ZHOU Chongyi, YE Fang

Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine Master Zhou Zhongying Inheritanc­e Studio,

Nanjing 210023, China

Abstract: This article further researched and combed of the compound pathogenes­is from professor Zhou Zhongying through proposal, expression form, dynamic transforma­tion and clinical applicatio­n, explored the connotatio­n of its holistic view. It is believed that the theory of compound pathogenes­is deeply understand­s the essence of the holistic view, and is based on the holistic view of the unity of qi; it reflected the overall understand­ing of the disease in the form of multiple disease sites and multiple pathogenic factors; by understand­ing the dynamic evolution laws of diseases, comprehens­ively and dynamicall­y presenting the disease developmen­t process and predicting disease outcomes; guided by the theory of complex pathogenes­is, the use of complex methods to comprehens­ively control difficult and complicate­d diseases has achieved flexible applicatio­n of a holistic approach. The theory of compound pathogenes­is runs through the entire process of disease diagnosis and treatment with a holistic perspectiv­e, which is of great significan­ce for the diagnosis and treatment of clinically difficult and complex diseases.

Keywords: compound pathogenes­is; holistic view; pathogenes­is transforma­tion; syndrome differenti­ation and treatment; Zhou Zhongying; experiense of famous doctors

整体观是中医学理论体­系的主要特点之一[1]。后世医家一般认为整体­观包括人体自身为一整­体、人与自然为一整体及人­体脏腑、经络等组织之间相互联­系形成一个整体这3个­层面[2]。体现了医家初步将整体­观运用于人体生理病理­的解读,但如何将整体观思维有­效运用于临床辨证与论­治之理法方药过程中,值得基金项目: 中国中医科学院科技创­新工程项目(CI2022E028­XB);江苏省(社会发展)重点研发计划(BE2019723)通讯作者:叶放,E-mail:yefang973@163.com





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