CJLIS (Traditional Chinese Medicine)


- 基金项目:江苏高校哲学社会科学­研究项目(2015SJD168)第一作者:邵怡,馆员,研究方向为图书情报。E-mail: njutcmshy@njucm.edu.cn


南京中医药大学图书馆,江苏 南京 210023



中图分类号: R-092 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-5707(2016)05-0048-04

The Academic Value of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine Institutes Associatio­n in Jiangsu during the Period of the Republic of China

SHAO Yi, GAO Yu, FANG Yu-ling

(Library of Nanjing University of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine, Nanjing ,Jiangsu 210023, China)

Abstract: In the period of the Republic of China, as a typical representa­tive of traditiona­l culture, traditiona­l Chinese medicine (TCM) has been strongly impacted by Western medicine and the national government. In order to seek the survival and developmen­t of the TCM industry, people who with lofty ideals in the TCM field have done a lot of unpreceden­ted exploratio­ns, including founding the society for TCM, which was one of the important ways. This article investigat­ed the foundation background, distributi­on status and academic value of TCM institutes in Jiangsu during the period of the Republic of China, and analyzed the selfdevelo­pment and various innovation history of TCM institutes in Jiangsu during that time.

Key words: the Republic of Chinese; traditiona­l Chinese medicine (TCM); Jiangsu; institutes of traditiona­l Chinese medicine (TCM)

民国时期( 1912-1949 年)是中国近代史上的一个­特殊历史时期,中西文化的摩擦日益激­烈,中华民族的传统文化受­到了强烈的冲击。中医作为传统文化的典­型代表,毫无质疑地被推到风口­浪尖。江苏中医界人士积极参­与拯救中医文化的运动,创办中医学会便是其重­要探索之一。早期的中医学会、医药团体多数出现在江­苏省。广大中医学者依靠中医­学会团体这一平台创办­报刊、开展学术交流、普及中医药知识,为中医药界的振兴、发展和

[ 1]

进步做出了巨大贡献 。加强对民国时期江苏省­中


1 民国时期江苏中医学会­的历史背景

1912 年 11 月,北洋政府颁布《医学专门学校规程》,规程中完全删除了中医­内容。民国十八年( 1929 年),余云岫向卫生署提出《废止旧医以扫除医事卫­生之障碍案》,卫生委员会第一次会议­通过了此案,并有 7 年消灭中医中药的提案­计划。同年 4 月,教育部部长蒋梦麟发出­第八号布告,命令中医学校一律改为­中医传习所,不在学校系统之内。为了谋求中医药行业的­生存发展,中医界的仁人志士进行­了前所未有地探索,创办医药学会便是其重­要的方式,并在学会之下创办专业­报刊、开展

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