CJLIS (Traditional Chinese Medicine)


- 基金项目:江西省卫生计生委中医­药科研项目(2015B028) 第一作者:杨卫兵,主治医师,研究方向为中西医结合­基础与临床。E-mail: 2053573898@qq.com * 通讯作者:夏循礼,副教授,研究方向为中西医药史­文献和中西医结合基础­医学。E-mail: xiaxunli@126.com

杨卫兵 ,夏循礼

1.湖北省宜昌市第一人民­医院,湖北 宜昌 443000;2.江西中医药大学,江西 南昌 330004



中图分类号: R-092 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-5707(2016)06-0053-03

Discussion on “Doctors of Jiang-Zhe” in Shui Chuang Chun Yi

YANG Wei-bing1, XIA Xun-li2*

(1. The First People's Hospital of Yichang City, Yichang Hubei 443000, China; 2. Jiangxi University of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine, Nanchang Jiangxi 330004, China)

Abstract: In “Doctors of Jiang-Zhe” in Shui Chuang Chun Yi, the author of Volume one Ouyang Zhaoxiong reported his medical experience­s in the fifth year of Tongzhi and his views on the School of Fei Boxiong. Because Huang Yuanyu had been carrying on his famous reputation for several decades, Ouyang Zhaoxiong respected him very much and regarded him as his master, and donated Huang’s medical books to colleagues. But at this time, School of Menghe medicine had been being gradually into its peak and Fei Boxiong had being gotten his famous medical reputation. Doctors in south of Changjiang looked up or copied Fei’s medicine and ignored Huang’s medical books. The review of resentment because of disappoint­ment was not fair for Fei Boxiong and the School of Menghe medicine. Huang Yuanyu and Fei Boxiong represente­d different medical theories and clinical practice, accordingl­y their medical theories were correct and they all were medical masters.

Key words: Shui Chuang Chun Yi;

Yuanyu; Fei Boxiong Doctors of Jiang-Zhe; medical review; Ouyang Zhaoxiong; Huang



欧阳兆熊,清道光十七年( 1837 年)中举,曾任湖南新宁县教官。《光绪湖南通志》载欧阳兆熊传:“欧阳兆熊字小岑,道光丁酉举人,工诗古文,豪爽喜任事,曾国藩会试下第时,道病,势甚危,兆熊知医,为留逆旅月余诊治之,初不相识,遂为布衣交。”欧阳氏生卒不详,当为曾国藩( 1811-1872 年)同时期人。

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