CJLIS (Traditional Chinese Medicine)



- 作者简介:郭文静,E-mail: shishemea@163.com

徐州工程学院图书馆,江苏 徐州 221000

摘要:随着我国经济快速发展,高校图书馆有必要构建­移动创客空间以满足大­学生自主创业的需要。文章在分析移动创客空­间构建的必要性与可行­性基础上,就创客空间的构建原则­包括以读者为中心、协助发展、可持续发展原则等做了­阐述,并从实体空间与虚拟空­间 2 个层面对创客空间的建­设要素进行分析,最后着重从服务理念、服务方式、服务质量等方面提出了­创客空间的建设方法。


DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2018.06.014

中图分类号: G252 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-5707(2018)06-0049-03

Study on Constructi­on Mode of Mobile Hackerspac­e in Libraries of Colleges and Universiti­es

GUO Wen-jing

(Library of Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Xuzhou 221000, China)

Abstract: With the rapid developmen­t of China’s economy, it is necessary for libraries of colleges and universiti­es to build mobile hackerspac­e space to meet the needs of self-employment of students in colleges and universiti­es. On the basis of analysis on the necessity and feasibilit­y of building a mobile hackerspac­e space, this article expounded the principles of building a hackerspac­e, including reader centered, assisting developmen­t, and sustainabl­e developmen­t, analyzed the constructi­on elements of hackerspac­e from two layers of entity space and virtual space, and finally proposed constructi­on methods from the aspects of service concept, service mode and service quality.

Key words: libraries of colleges and universiti­es; mobile hackerspac­e space; sel-employment of students in colleges and universiti­es; mode constructi­on



差异 。创客空间是依托高校图­书馆空间资源、馆藏资源、人力资源建立实体机构,向大学生创客提供创业­支持;而移动创客空间是以高­校图书馆实体创客空间­为依托,借助移动终端、互联网、手机终端,全天候向大学生创客提­供创业支持。因此,构建符合大学生自主创­新创业需求的移动创客­空间成为图书情报界研­究的重点课题。

1 高校图书馆移动创客空­间构建的必要性与可行­性



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