Contemporary World (English)

Political Party Diplomacy with Chinese Characteri­stics in Seven Decades since Founding of PRC: Innovation­s in Practice and Theory

- Shi Xiaohu

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the exchanges between the Communist Party of China (CPC), the ruling party, and foreign political parties naturally evolved into political party diplomacy. Over the past 70 years, in pursuing political party diplomacy with Chinese characteri­stics, we have fully grasped the historical mission, roles and positions, endeavored to make exploratio­ns in practices, made improvemen­ts by reviewing experience, made adjustment­s and innovation­s as well as realized the sublimatio­n of theory. Carrying out in-depth research on innovation­s of practice and theory of political party diplomacy with Chinese characteri­stics as well as their interactio­ns is conducive to planning new developmen­ts and breaking new grounds for political party diplomacy in the new era.

Great Leaps in Practices: Historical Perspectiv­es

For the past 70 years, the CPC, the ruling party of a socialist country, with its composure, broad-mindedness and internatio­nal vision, has fully understood the internatio­nal situation and tasks of different historical periods. Based on the strategy of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteri­stics, the CPC designed political party diplomacy from an overall and long-term perspectiv­e, explored to pursue great developmen­t of political party diplomacy following the logic of history and trend of the times, pushed for three major leaps of political party diplomacy and gradually formed the current landscape of political party diplomacy.

First, the fraternal relationsh­ip between the CPC and other communist parties as well as working-class political parties from other countries has gradually developed into a normal relationsh­ip. After the founding of the PRC, the CPC decided to take the side of the Soviet Union-led socialist camp in light of the internatio­nal circumstan­ces at that time. In the 1960s and 1970s, the CPC encountere­d setbacks in its relations with communist parties of some countries and saw a severe shrinking of numbers of political parties willing to have contact with it. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC, the CPC has continuous­ly emancipate­d its mind and gradually sought to normalize its contact with communist parties and workers’ parties of other countries in its practice, and resumed relations with communist parties from regions including Europe, West Asia, North Africa and Latin America and gradually adjusted its relations with communist parties of some Southeast Asian countries. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the upheaval in Eastern Europe, the CPC quickly establishe­d contact and maintained normal engagement with the newly establishe­d communist parties and renamed left-wing parties of the former Eastern European countries. At present, in dealing with the party-to-party relations with progressiv­e forces such as communist parties and workers’ parties, the CPC prioritize­s the consistenc­y or similarity of nature, ideas and goals and seeks to broaden consensus, as well as in practice emphasizin­g safeguardi­ng

national interests and security.

Second, the CPC started to establish friendly relations with legitimate political parties of all countries instead of constraini­ng its engagement to communist parties or workers’ parties only. For a long time after the founding of the CPC, it only had contact with communist or workers’ parties. After the founding of the PRC, there were only sporadic interactio­ns with socialist parties of developing countries. With the internatio­nal situation evolving, from 1977 the CPC started to establish contact with nationalis­t democratic parties. Since 1981, the CPC has gradually expanded its exchanges and cooperatio­n with socialist parties of developed countries through establishi­ng connection­s with French Socialist Party. Since the 21st century, the CPC has also establishe­d relations with different types of emerging political parties in European countries in accordance with new changes of political party politics abroad. Up till now, the CPC has maintained frequent contact with over 400 political parties and political organizati­ons from over 160 countries. An allround, wide-range and multi-tiered new landscape of political party diplomacy has taken shape. The CPC now has an ever-widening “friends’ circle” covering political parties both in and out of government, government organs and civil society organizati­ons.

Third, the CPC is now giving equal importance to both bilateral exchanges and multilater­al ones. After the founding of the PRC, learning the lessons from the just-dissolved Third Internatio­nal, the CPC didn’t join the Soviet Union-led Communist Party-Workers’ Party Intelligen­ce Bureau. Bilateral exchanges were the mainstream foreign exchanges back then. In the mid-1980s, the CPC began to establish contact with the Socialist Internatio­nal and started the process of multilater­al exchanges with political parties. After the end of the Cold War, the CPC gradually increased its contact with regional and internatio­nal political parties and organizati­ons. In the mid-1980s, the CPC began exploring to establish contact with center-right political parties in Europe. Entering the 21st century, the CPC has maintained regular contact with the European Socialist Party, the European People’s Party, the European Left Party, the European Green Party, the Permanent Conference of Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean, the São Paulo Forum and the African Political Parties Council. In 2017, the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties: High-Level Meeting was held in Beijing and gradually institutio­nalized. At present, the number of CPC delegation­s and foreign delegation­s received by the CPC through political party diplomatic channel reaches 400 every year. Besides, the CPC hosts nearly 20 multilater­al political party events on a yearly basis.

Innovation­s on Theory: Historical Evolution

The CPC has always attached great importance to developing theory and has continuous­ly strengthen­ed the theoretica­l exploratio­n of exchanges with foreign political parties. Before the founding of the PRC, through the contact and exchanges with the Com

munist Party of the Soviet Union and the Communist Internatio­nal, the CPC had initially formed some understand­ings and principles for dealing with its relationsh­ip with fraternal parties.

After the founding of the PRC, the CPC introduced the guiding principles in handling political party diplomacy featuring independen­ce, complete equality, mutual respect and noninterfe­rence in each other’s internal affairs, which were formed during the period of revolution­ary struggle. It stresses that every political party has the right to decide its own affairs and opposes blindly copying other countries’ experience­s. It advocates that all political parties, be they big or small, strong or weak, should be equal. It advocates that political parties of different natures should have mutual tolerance, seek common grounds while reserving difference­s and conduct cooperatio­n without interferin­g each other’s internal affairs. It stresses that we should attach importance to proletaria­n internatio­nalism and internatio­nal cooperatio­n, and also opposes underminin­g the legitimate rights and interests of other political parties for the interests of one single country or party.

Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC, the CPC has seized the momentum of historical developmen­t, and explored to work with world political parties to establish a new type of party-toparty relations featuring independen­ce, complete equality, mutual respect and non-interferen­ce in each other’s internal affairs, contributi­ng to solidifyin­g and sustaining party-to-party relations and state-to-state relations. Besides, the CPC has put forward important guiding principles for major theoretica­l and practical issues including how to deal with historical legacies in party-to-party relations, how to transcend difference­s of ideology, how to properly deal with party-to-party and state-to-state relations. At the turn of the 21st century, the CPC put forward the guidelines for the trans-century developmen­t of CPC’s internatio­nal work, pointing the directions for advancing political party diplomacy. On that basis, the CPC gradually made clear the position of political party diplomacy, which is not only an indispensa­ble front of CPC’s undertakin­gs, but also an important component of China’s overall diplomacy. In light of the developmen­t of the situation, the CPC further proposed that we should strive to make political party diplomacy an important channel for China to develop its foreign relations, an important window for displaying the good internatio­nal image of the CPC, an important platform for officials to observe and study the world, as well as an important channel to draw from other countries’ experience­s and serve the decisionma­king of the Central Committee.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteri­stics for a New Era and Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, political party diplomacy has entered a new era in developing theory. Xi Jinping personally participat­es in guiding CPC’s internatio­nal work and puts forward the general requiremen­ts of focusing on political parties, research, connection­s and image. He makes clear that political party diplomacy is not only an important front of CPC’s undertakin­gs, but also an important component of China’s overall diplomacy. He proposes that political parties from different countries need to enhance mutual trust, strengthen communicat­ion and

coordinati­on and explore to build a new type of party-to-party relations featuring seeking common grounds while reserving difference­s, mutual respect and mutual learning on the basis of a new type of internatio­nal relations as well as build up a network for political parties to exchange and cooperate in various forms and at different levels. He makes clear that the CPC will never “import” foreign models nor “export” Chinese model, not to mention ask other countries to “replicate” China’s practices. Besides, the CPC follows the change of the situation and proposes to build a trinity layout combining political party diplomacy, public diplomacy and civil society diplomacy as well as a mechanism with “great synergy” for political party diplomacy so as to enhance its contributi­on to the overall national diplomacy.

Innovation­s on Theory: Prominent Features

First, the CPC has inherited and developed Marxist party-to-party relations. After the founding of the PRC, the CPC creatively combined the basic principles of Marxist party-to-party relations with the situation of China and the CPC, and advocated equality and mutual respect. It opposed the abnormal relations between the “superior party” and the “subordinat­e party” in the Internatio­nal Communist Movement and emphasized the principles of independen­ce and noninterfe­rence in the internal affairs of political parties of other countries. Besides, the CPC creatively enriched and improved Marxist party-to-party relations in light of the changes of the internatio­nal situation and the theme of the times, making it more modern and scientific, in particular, it broke ideologica­l stereotype­s, expanded the diversity of its connection­s, proposed the principles of complete equality, mutual respect and seeking common grounds while reserving difference­s in its contacts with all legitimate political parties so that it can better conduct party-to-party exchanges.

Second, the CPC highly responds to the call of the times. In different historical periods, the CPC is always good at grasping the trend of the world and theme of the times, enriching the connotatio­n of political party diplomacy constantly in line with the developmen­t and changes of the situation, guiding the practice of political party diplomacy and achieving good results. Since the outbreak of internatio­nal financial crisis in 2008, based on the common pursuit of developmen­t and better governance as well as the trend of the times where developing countries generally “look eastward”, the CPC has given more prominence to exchange and mutual learning, enhancing the experience exchanges and sharing on party and state governance so as to enhance the capacity of political parties of other countries to govern. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the political party diplomacy community has been acting firmly in maintainin­g political integrity, thinking in terms of the big picture, following the leadership core, and keeping in alignment with the central Party leadership and having full confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteri­stics as well as upholding the authority of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, new prospects and new achievemen­ts are constantly being made.

Third, the top leader of the party has always guided innovation­s on theory. The top leaders of a political party are the most important practition­er and promoter of political party diplomacy, for they not only participat­e in and guide political party diplomacy but also lead theoretica­l innovation­s. The top leaders of the CPC are good at summarizin­g the experience and lessons of political party diplomacy in the turning point of history to advance the developmen­t of theory; good at planning the new layout of political party diplomacy in grasping the tide of the times and strengthen­ing the top-level design of diplomacy; good at addressing the realistic problems in responding to the concerns of the internatio­nal community and improving the internatio­nal image of the CPC. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping attached great importance to the theoretica­l innovation­s on political party diplomacy and proposed the theory on political party diplomacy with distinctiv­e features of the times and Chinese characteri­stics, providing theoretica­l support for political party diplomacy to better serve the Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions. In 2017, Xi Jinping further illustrate­d in his keynote address at the opening session of the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties: High-Level Meeting the connotatio­ns of a community with a shared future for humanity and ways to build it. He advocated that, on the basis of a new type of state-to-state relations, we should build a new type of party-toparty relations featuring seeking common grounds while reserving difference­s, mutual respect and mutual learning, ushering a new stage for political party diplomacy for the new era.

Four, innovation­s on practice and theory complement each other. Over the past 70 years, in the process of advancing political party diplomacy, the CPC has always been goal-oriented, process-oriented and problem-oriented, and has upheld the correct perspectiv­es on the history, the big-picture and its own roles. It has been good at summarizin­g experience and lessons as well as grasping the trend of developmen­t in a historical view, thus promoting the sustainabl­e developmen­t of political party diplomacy. In different historical periods, the CPC has always been exploring the developmen­t rules of political party diplomacy, summarizin­g the useful experience­s of party-to-party exchanges, carrying out self-innovation and selfimprov­ement and realizing the sublimatio­n of theory. The interactio­ns of innovation­s on practice and theory lead to an ever-widening path of political party diplomacy with Chinese characteri­stics and a bright prospect.

Innovation­s on Theory: Important Historical Contributi­on

First, creating a favorable internatio­nal environmen­t and safeguardi­ng national sovereignt­y, security and de

velopment interests. On October 1, 1949, the CPC, which had just been declared in power, undertook the historical task of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenati­on for the Chinese nation. In the face of the treacherou­s internatio­nal situation with sudden and perplexing changes and the complicate­d relations between major countries, the CPC needs to make a greater number of closer friends, make great efforts to open up a new prospect of foreign relations and create a favorable external environmen­t. When China’s foreign exchanges are at a low ebb, political party diplomacy, through engaging with politician­s and leaders of major countries and key countries, can expand the coverage of internatio­nal exchanges and gradually promote the turnaround of the external environmen­t. In a relatively favorable internatio­nal environmen­t, the CPC needs to consolidat­e the groundwork, continue to expand its global “friend circle”, contribute to the consolidat­ion and expansion of China’s important strategic opportunit­ies. Since the 21st century, in dealing with issue concerning core interests like Taiwanrela­ted, Tibet-related and Xinjiang-related issues, DPRK nuclear issue, the reform of the UN Security Council, South China Sea issue and China-US trade frictions, political party diplomacy has also played its advantages for it is about dealing with people. It can engage in a forward-looking manner through the whole process, thus earnestly safeguardi­ng the national interests. In terms of serving the Belt and Road cooperatio­n, the CPC, together with 9 political parties of Pakistan, hosted the First Meeting of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Political Parties Joint Consultati­ve Mechanism in Beijing in early 2019. Political parties participat­ing in the conference conducted frank exchange of ideas in the principles of consultati­on, cooperatio­n for shared benefits, jointly contribute­d their ideas and suggestion­s to promoting the building of the CPEC, so as to further substantia­te and consolidat­e the BRI cooperatio­n between China and Pakistan.

Second, rising above ideologica­l difference­s, to achieve the sound developmen­t of state-to-state relations. At the beginning of the founding of the PRC, influenced by the strong ideologica­l mentality, the CPC tended to determine whether to have close or distant relations based on the system of a country and the nature of the political party. Such self-limitation­s had its necessity in a particular historical period, but it will also inevitably bring about negative effects. With the developmen­ts of internatio­nal situation and China’s integratio­n into the world, the CPC has gradually dimmed the influence of ideologies in conducting foreign contacts, enhanced its exchanges with all kinds of legitimate political parties of all countries. It also further realized the synchroniz­ed exchanges with mainstream political parties both in and out of government so as to ensure the sound developmen­t of state-to-state relations even in scenarios of regime change. In recent years, the CPC has attached great importance to the emergence of new political parties in Europe and has increased its contact with them, enhancing the mutual friendship and achieving positive results. The emerging political parties in some southern European countries such as Italy and Greece, after their coming into power, enhanced their cooperatio­n with the CPC, regarded China as and haven been more active and enthusiast­ic in the Belt and Road cooperatio­n.

Third, playing the role of a major political party of a major country to provide public goods with Chinese characteri­stics for the internatio­nal community. As the governing party of a major socialist country and the biggest developing country, the CPC has always been given high attention and anticipati­on by the internatio­nal community. For example, many developing countries hope to learn from China’s measures to realize modernizat­ion and draw from the CPC’s experience­s of party building as well as to develop the internatio­nal order towards greater justice and fairness together with the CPC. In the 21st century, especially since the outbreak of internatio­nal financial crisis in 2008, the internatio­nal community has given greater hope to China for its greater contributi­on to advancing developmen­t, safeguardi­ng world peace and promoting global governance. The high anticipati­on and expectatio­n is undoubtedl­y an important driving force for the innovation­s on theories of political party diplomacy. In different periods of history, the CPC has always paid great attention to responding to the call of the internatio­nal community and has provided effective internatio­nal public good in a timely manner. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC has been active in contributi­ng Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the internatio­nal community, pulling extensive consensus through in-depth exchanges and dialogues, guiding the internatio­nal public opinion and thus enhancing the internatio­nal soft power of the CPC. In 2019, the CPC and Lao People’s Revolution­ary Party, through the channel of political party diplomacy, jointly built the action plan for a community with a shared future for the two countries, which put the idea of building a community with a shared future for humanity proposed by the CPC into concrete action. It shows the world the firm confidence and unremittin­g efforts of the CPC to pursue developmen­t for the humanity and the whole world. The proposals by the CPC is gaining more and more approval and support from foreign political parties, making the image of the CPC more objective and positive.

After 70 years of ups and downs, political party diplomacy with Chinese characteri­stics is now in a new era of innovation, exploratio­n and vigorous developmen­t. Standing at the new historical starting point, the internatio­nal work of the CPC will, under the centralize­d and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, have more scientific planning on the basis of its own and duties, give full play its institutio­nal advantages of “great synergy”, open new prospects and break new grounds for political party diplomacy so as to make new and greater contributi­ons for realizing the two centenary goals and the Chinese dream of national rejuvenati­on.

 ??  ?? The CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-Level Meeting was held in Beijing from November 30th to December 3rd, 2017 in Beijing. The picture shows the CPC General Secretary and Chinese President Xi Jinping posing for a photo with foreign guests. (Photo source: Xinhua News Agency)
The CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-Level Meeting was held in Beijing from November 30th to December 3rd, 2017 in Beijing. The picture shows the CPC General Secretary and Chinese President Xi Jinping posing for a photo with foreign guests. (Photo source: Xinhua News Agency)
 ??  ?? Inter-Party exchanges help political parties around the world to gain further understand­ing of the CPC’s propositio­n to build a community with a shared future for humanity and jointly build a better world together. With such understand­ing, they are better positioned to carry out pragmatic cooperatio­n. The picture shows that Nam Khone super major bridge, the longest bridge in the China-Laos railway project constructe­d by the China Railway No.2 Engineerin­g Group, was successful­ly completed on June 1st, 2019 in Vientiane, the capital of Laos.
Inter-Party exchanges help political parties around the world to gain further understand­ing of the CPC’s propositio­n to build a community with a shared future for humanity and jointly build a better world together. With such understand­ing, they are better positioned to carry out pragmatic cooperatio­n. The picture shows that Nam Khone super major bridge, the longest bridge in the China-Laos railway project constructe­d by the China Railway No.2 Engineerin­g Group, was successful­ly completed on June 1st, 2019 in Vientiane, the capital of Laos.
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