


In April, Singapore moved closer to founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew’s vision of a “garden city” with the unveiling of Windsor Nature Park, the island republic’s latest large-scale green space. Spanning 75 heavily forested hectares, the park is the fourth of five new reserves connected to the massive 2,880-hectare Central Catchment Nature Reserve. At Windsor, the easy network of trails— some of them raised wooden platforms— include the 350-meter Hanguana Trail, where you can view curated native flora, and the Drongo Trail, which winds through lush secondary rain forest. The Javanese flying squirrel, copper-cheeked frog, and banded leaf monkey are among the park’s elusive residents. If you’re feeling ambitious, from the park’s entrance it’s a seven-kilometer hike to MacRitchie Reservoir Park’s spectacula­r TreeTop Walk, a 250-metre suspension bridge linking the Central Catchment’s two highest points (

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