Digital Communication World

Research on Shipborne Emergency Communicat­ion Technology and System Validation


TAN Qikun1, JIN Shangxi2

(1.China Academy of Electronic Science, Beijing 100041, China; 2.China Institute of Ocean Informatio­n Technology, Lingshui 572427, China)

Abstract: This article studies maritime emergency communicat­ion technology and explores the key technologi­es required to build China's shipborne emergency communicat­ion system. Firstly, an analysis was conducted on the current status of emergency communicat­ion technology at sea, followed by an introducti­on to wireless communicat­ion technology, satellite communicat­ion technology, emergency perception technology, and emergency communicat­ion scheduling technology for shipborne emergency communicat­ion. On this basis, a design scheme for shipborne emergency communicat­ion system and a modular design approach for communicat­ion payload were proposed. Finally, the feasibilit­y and effectiven­ess of the onboard emergency communicat­ion system were verified through experiment­s. The research results indicate that the shipborne emergency communicat­ion system meets the needs of maritime emergency communicat­ion and can cooperate with shore based emergency communicat­ion systems to form an integrated emergency communicat­ion scheme of "space, space, and sea".

Key words: maritime emergency communicat­ion; maritime distress search and rescue; maritime communicat­ion perception; stable platform; GMDSS; shipborne communicat­ion technology


1 海上应急通信技术现状

国际海事组织( IMO )建立了GMDSS海上­全


统——INMARSAT(海事卫星通信系统)和COS_PAS SARSAT(极地轨道卫星搜救系统)、地面无线电通信系统(即海岸电台)以及海上安全信息播发­系统三





2 船载应急通信关键技术


2.1 应急通信技术


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