


SEASON 3/第3季22 min/分鐘

CREATED BY Justin Spitzer, a writer on the US version of The Office, this series follows the misadventu­res of employees at a fictional Walmart- esque superstore. In the third season, the staff try to pick up the pieces after a tornado destroyed the store in the season two finale. 劇集由《The Office》美國版的編劇Just­in Spitzer創作,以一家似類 Walmart的虛構­超級特賣店為背景,講述裡面的員在工 工作時各種令人捧腹的­遭遇。承接第2季結束時特賣­店遭颶風破壞,第3季述講 一眾員工如何收拾風災­過後的殘局。

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