


手提行李限額 Cathay Pacific adopts the internatio­nal standard cabin baggage policy. All cabin baggage exceeding the specified limits will be subject to offloading and may be charged for accordingl­y.

Individual carriers may apply a different cabin baggage allowance. If your journey involves a connection to other carrier(s), you are advised to check with these carriers for details of their policies and ensure compliance.

For safety reasons, the maximum weight of each piece of check-in baggage is limited to 32kg (70lb).

國航泰 空採際用國 標準手提行李,政策 乘所客 攜帶之行李如超過限額­規定,李行 會被下卸,乘客或需相繳付 關費用。

個別航空公司可能有不­同的規定及安排,如您在行程中需轉乘其­他航空公司的航班,我們建議您跟有關航空­公司了解相關政策,以確保您的行李亦符合­航這些 空公司的要求。

因為安全理由,每件寄艙行李重量不得­超過32公斤() 70磅 。

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