

Kick off 2019 with films that will inspire you to stretch your boundaries 2019年來臨,不妨看些啟發你周遊列­國的電影


Each month Discovery brings readers a bit of escapism, often with articles about travelling vast distances to lesser-known lands. This month’s Chase Your Dream collection offers movies that bring escapist adventure to our screens.

In 1995, Cheryl Strayed was looking to escape the tragedy in her personal life. Despite not being an experience­d hiker, she set out on an epic solo trek along the Pacific Crest Trail, travelling 1,770 kilometres from California’s Mojave desert to the Oregon-Washington border. Director Jean-Marc Vallée recounts the journey in Wild, adapted from Strayed’s memoir and starring Reese Witherspoo­n. The work received critical acclaim, including two Oscar nomination­s. You can also see Vallée’s latest TV series, Sharp Objects, onboard this month (read more on page 88).

Also seeking refuge in nature, Chris McCandless adopts a vagabond lifestyle after graduating from university in 1990, living off the land and travelling across the US. In 1992, he hitchhiked from South Dakota to Alaska, where the outdoor environmen­t proved ruthless. Sean Penn adapts journalist Jon Krakauer’s book on McCandless with Into the Wild, a poignant character study starring Emile Hirsch.

Penn takes an adventure of his own in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, a contempora­ry adaptation of a 1939 short story by James Thurber. Ben Stiller stars as a low-level employee at Time magazine who goes on a life-changing journey to Greenland, Iceland and the Himalayas in pursuit of Penn’s character, an elusive photograph­er. Stiller’s fifth and most ambitious film as a director, Walter Mitty is a romantic and visually grand work that also features one of the best uses of David Bowie’s Space Oddity in recent memory.

Another feel-good adventure onboard this month is The Bucket List, starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman as two terminally ill men who go on a journey across the globe to tick off all the things they’ve ever wanted to do before they ‘kick the bucket’. It’s a light, uplifting film that features two great actors at their most charismati­c.

In addition to popular commercial cinema, we’re also committed to introducin­g great independen­t films to our passengers. This month, we’re offering a selection of documentar­y shorts from New York City’s Tribeca Film Institute. Read more about them on page 86.


1995 年, Cheryl Strayed 在生活經歷連串不如意­之後,希望找個途徑讓自己走­出人生的陰霾。雖然她並非經驗豐富的­遠足 者,但卻獨自走過全長1,770 公里的太平洋翠園步道,由內華達州的莫哈韋沙­漠一直走到華盛頓州。導演 Jean-Marc Vallée 將

Strayed 的回憶錄拍成電影《狂野行》,由

Reese Witherspoo­n 擔任主角。電影上映後好評如潮,更獲得奧斯卡兩項提名。Vallée最新執導­的電視劇集《利器》(參閱88頁「視屏.視評」專欄的相關評論)本月同樣在機上播放,萬勿錯過。

Chris McCandless­同樣希望在大自然中尋­找慰藉,於是在1990 年大學畢業後,展開到處流浪的生活。他在美國各地居無定所,於1992年從南達科­他州乘搭順風車前往偏­遠苦寒的阿拉斯加州,途中飽嘗野外環境的殘­酷無情。記者Jon Krakauer 將McCandles­s的事蹟寫成書後,演員 Sean Penn將書改編,拍成電影《浪蕩天涯》,由

Emile Hirsch飾演這位­孤獨而辛酸的旅人,令人動容。

在《發夢王大歷險》中, Penn則踏上屬於自­己的歷險之旅。這部電影將 James Thurber 於1939年推出的短­篇故事加以現代化改編­而成,由Ben Stiller 飾演《時代》雜誌一個低級職員,不顧一切踏上旅途,前往格陵蘭、冰島及喜馬拉雅山區,追尋由Penn飾演的­行蹤飄忽的攝影師,結果卻改變了自己的人­生。這是 Stiller 執導的第五部電影,亦是最具野心的作品。本片的影像十分

壯觀,故事浪漫,而且片中將 David Bowie的名曲〈Space Oddity〉運用得十分巧妙,屬近年難得之作。

同樣於本月在機上放映­的《玩轉身前事》,則是一部令人看得愜意­的歷險電影。片中兩位主角 Jack Nicholson 與 Morgan Freeman飾演患­上不治之症的病人,一起結伴環遊世界,希望在大限來到之時,能夠盡償平生素願。這部電影由兩位演技爐­火純青、達到顛峰狀態演員擔綱,氣氛輕鬆之餘亦振奮人­心。


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 ?? Alvin Lai is Cathay Pacific’s assistant manager, customer experience – entertainm­ent content ??
Alvin Lai is Cathay Pacific’s assistant manager, customer experience – entertainm­ent content
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