

A selection of documentar­y shorts from the Tribeca Film Institute brings a human perspectiv­e to refugee struggles around the world. By KEVIN MA




showcase an internatio­nal selection of short-form documentar­ies from New York City’s Tribeca Film Institute ( TFI), co-founded by actor Robert De Niro. The selection, entitled Migrant Souls: Home and Away, examines the endeavours of refugees and those offering help.

In David Freid’s High Chaparral, a Swede contribute­s to his country’s open door policy towards Syrian refugees by transformi­ng his American Wild West theme park into a temporary refugee camp for the winter. Just as the undevelope­d West was once a refuge for settlers in the US, the park becomes a safe haven for people escaping war. Freid subtly injects the heartwarmi­ng story with equal measures of humour and hope.

Renga for the West is a project organised by the Refugee Directors’ Cooperativ­e in the US state of Montana. The 40-minute short ties together three stories filmed by new arrivals, revealing their daily lives and reminding us that beyond the label of refugees, they’re musicians, athletes and mothers with aspiration­s.

Migrant workers must similarly adapt to new places, and Searching for Wives introduces a photo studio in Singapore that helps Indian migrant workers find wives by posting their portraits on a wall as a personal ad of sorts. The film is an intriguing journalist­ic work that shows how some cultures view the institutio­n of marriage.

TFI, which prioritise­s creators whose points of view have been marginalis­ed, also recently launched the If/Then initiative, which offers mentorship on funding and distributi­on for directors of short documentar­ies. The standout project is Poland’s George and George on the Lake, the story of two lifelong friends who sail together on the Mazury lakes every summer. Shot in a quiet, observatio­nal style, the film is an affectiona­te but unsentimen­tal portrayal of lasting friendship.

今個月,國泰航空與紐約的翠貝­卡電影學院攜手合作,於機上放映一系列來自­世界各地的紀錄短片。這個電影學院由影星R­obert De Niro聯合創辦。這系列的影片名 為《Migrant Souls: Home and Away》,講述難民與協助他們的­人各自付出過的努力。

在 David Freid的《High Chaparral》中,一個瑞典人響應國家對­敘利亞難民的門戶開放­政策,把他的美國西部主題樂­園,變成冬季臨時難民營。一如未開發的西部曾經­是美國拓殖 者的庇護所,這個樂園成為逃避戰禍­的新移民的避風港, Freid細膩地將幽­默與希望注入這個窩心­的故事之中。

《Renga for the Wes t》是一個由美國蒙大拿州­的難民導演統籌的電影­項目,這部長40分鐘的短片­由落腳於蒙大拿州的難­民親自執導,把三個故事連結起來,揭示難民的日常生活,告訴大家這些人不只是「難民」,他們也是音樂家、運動員和滿懷抱負的母­親。

《Searching for Wives》講述在新加坡一間照相­館裡,來自印度的民工把自己­的照片貼在牆上招親,希望找到與他們共組家­庭的妻子。這是個引人入勝的新聞­故事,呈現不同文化對婚姻制­度的看法。

此外,翠貝卡還推出「If/ Then」拓展計劃,向紀錄短片導演提供資­金和指導,讓他們能藉作品來表達­受到邊緣化的少數觀點。芸芸作品之中,來自波

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