

Check in to rooms with a view at these waterside boltholes入­住以下酒店,保證可欣賞到水天一色­的美景


We all want to be by the waterside – hotels by rivers, harbours and oceans

HONG KONG’S VICTORIA Harbour is never still. A busy parade of cruise ships, fishing trawlers, sampans and ferries crisscross the water day and night. As a backdrop, it’s one of the most famous skylines in the world: a glittering panorama of skyscraper­s jostling for attention. It’s little wonder that those hotels lucky enough to occupy a prime waterfront position with the all- important harbour view are in high demand. Joining their ranks next month will be the Rosewood Hong Kong on the Tsim Sha Tsui harbourfro­nt – the crown jewel of the new Victoria Dockside developmen­t. Turn to page 56 to find out more about how the Kowloon harbourfro­nt is being transforme­d. In the meantime, here’s a selection of other hotels around the world sitting pretty by the bay. 香港的維多利亞港永不­止息,、郵輪 拖網漁船、舢舨和渡輪不分晝夜頻­繁往來。維港背後是享譽全球的­際,天 線 一棟棟勢要比天高的亮­麗大樓鱗次櫛,比 構成一幅壯闊奪目的景。全 圖 這些盤踞海濱有利位置­的酒店備受追捧一點也­不足為奇。最新加入陣營的香港瑰­麗酒店選址尖沙咀海旁,並預訂於下月開幕,它亦是全新地產項目V­ictoria Dockside的重­要一環。如欲了解更多九龍海濱­長廊的變遷,請翻至56頁。以下是我們在全球精選­的多家臨水而建的酒店。

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