


Restaurate­ur David Yeo’s vivid introducti­on to Udaipur, India

WORKING IN THE food industry, tasting local cuisines is a huge part of my travels. In 2017, I visited the western Indian state of Rajasthan – my first visit to India in 25 years. Udaipur, formerly the capital of the Mewar kingdom, really stood out to me as that’s where I came across a truly royal cuisine.

The Royal Repast is a restaurant from the House of Bedla, a noble family that’s converted their centuryold home – majestical­ly decorated with shields and ancestral portraits – to serve recipes from the days when they fought alongside the Mughal emperors and served maharajas. The family has cooked for the likes of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II.

One dish after another, our jaws dropped. A dish of okra was simply sautéed with young cumin seeds, salt, garlic and ginger – but the taste was unlike anything you’ll find elsewhere. The use of spices was incredibly judicious, and because they are freshly ground and roasted, the dishes reach an entirely different level.

Another thing that stood out was the kaleidosco­pe of nuances and symbolism. The saris, gossamer-like veils and turbans are spectacula­rly colourful, and they also denote special occasions, castes or even seasons. Suddenly I saw clusters of red turbans in a new light.

There is also stunning architectu­re. In the 400-yearold City Palace, one room is clad in amazing coloured mirrors; in another room, incredible peacock mosaics made from glass resemble paintings; and in another room, a swing fit for a queen: luxuriousl­y embroidere­d in velvet and suspended from brass chains adorned with a menagerie of animals.

David Yeo is the founder of the Aqua Restaurant Group. 我從事餐飲業,因此旅行的重點往往集­中於品嚐當地美食。我於2017年前往西­印度拉賈斯坦邦旅行,也是我25年來首次踏­足印度。烏代浦曾是梅瓦爾王國­的首都。這座城市令我印象深刻,因為我在這裡品嚐過最­正宗的皇室美饌。

Royal Repast原是當地­Bedla望族的百年­老宅,其後人在大宅內經營餐­廳。東主以盾牌和祖先的肖­像畫點綴餐廳,顯得氣派非凡。當年祖先陪同蒙兀兒皇­帝南征北討時嚐過的菜­式,以及王公貴族專享的佳­餚,在這裡都能品嚐得到。前印度總理甘地夫人及­英女王伊利沙伯二世等­名人,均曾是這餐廳的座上客。





 ??  ?? Regal bearing From royal cuisine to the City Palace (right), Udaipur has majestic appeal 帝王氣象 從王府盛宴到城市皇宮(右圖),烏代浦處處流露一分帶­著威嚴的魅力
Regal bearing From royal cuisine to the City Palace (right), Udaipur has majestic appeal 帝王氣象 從王府盛宴到城市皇宮(右圖),烏代浦處處流露一分帶­著威嚴的魅力
 ??  ??

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