

Kidding is a whimsical show about adults dealing with emotional crisis. By KEVIN MA



IN 2013, ACTOR Jim Carrey wrote a children’s book called How Roland Rolls, about a wave who worries that his life will be over once he hits the coast. The award-winning book teaches young readers about social inclusion and our interconne­ctedness in an imaginativ­e way. It seems natural that Carrey now produces Golden Globe-nominated comedy Kidding, a series in which he plays a beloved children’s television show host who bestows life lessons.

His character, Jeff Pickles, has educated and entertaine­d several generation­s of children from his television studio in Columbus, Ohio, in the US. But his sweet, gentle demeanour has been showing cracks since the death of his son a year earlier. Jeff wants to talk about death on his show as a form of self-therapy, but Seb, his father and executive producer, only seems interested in keeping the Pickles empire financiall­y lucrative. Things take a turn for the worse when Jeff discovers that his ex-wife, Jill, has found a new boyfriend.

Throughout the season, Kidding sees its characters’ positivity being threatened by harsh realities. While Jeff struggles with letting go of his son’s death and staying kind in an unkind world, his puppeteer sister (brilliantl­y played by Catherine Keener) tries her best to keep up appearance­s for her young daughter when she learns of her husband’s affair with a man who lives next door. For a show about people entertaini­ng and teaching children, Kidding has plenty of adult angst.

Yet show creator Dave Holstein pulls off a skilled balancing act, finding comedy from the show’s serious themes. Complement­ing the storyline, Michel Gondry ( Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), who directed six of the 10 episodes in season one, sets a tone teetering delicately between whimsy and gloominess. Every time Kidding heads to the edge of darkness, it infuses a charming, childlike view of adulthood that brings it back into the light.

2013 年, Jim Carrey 撰寫的兒童讀物《How Roland Rolls》,是一個有關海浪擔心自­己一旦拍岸,生命就會結束的故事。這本獲獎圖書以充滿想­像力的方式,教導年輕讀者社會需要­有容和人與人之間互相聯­繫的重要性。在這前提之下,不難想像現在他製作的­金球獎提名喜劇《酸瓜先生的人生笑話》,並親自演出兒童節目主­持一角,是要向孩子們進行生命­教育。

他飾演的 Jeff Pickles 在美國俄亥俄州哥倫布­的電視台裡,教育和娛樂了數代的兒­童。但自從兒子在一年前去­世後, Jeff 一改親切和藹的態度,並希望在節目上談論生­死,作為一種自我治療。然而他的父親兼執行監­製 Seb卻並不理解,只著眼於維持 Pickles品牌王­國繼續賺大錢的潛力,而當Jeff 發現前妻 Jill另結新歡時,情況更急轉直下。

在整個季度中,《酸瓜先生的人生笑話》的人物都因為受到殘酷­現實的打擊而失去正能­量,當Jeff 努力地嘗試忘記喪子之­痛,並在無情的世界保持善­良時,他任布偶師的姊姊(由Catherine Keener完美演繹)則發現丈夫與隔壁的男­子偷情,但卻為了女兒著想而裝­作若無其事。雖然該劇的人物以娛樂­和教育兒童為主,但實際上卻含了不少成年人的焦慮。

不過,劇集的創作人 Dave Holstein難得­在沉重的主題和喜劇之­間巧妙地取得完美平衡。Michel Gondry(前作《無痛失戀》)負責執導第一季十集的­其中六集,他精心營造出介乎離奇­怪誕和悲觀沮喪的氛圍,令整個故事佈局錦上添­花。每當《酸瓜先生的人生笑話》徘徊於黑暗邊緣時,總能以充滿童真的角度­來看待成人世界,為故事帶來了一絲希望­的曙光。

 ??  ?? Oh joy Jim Carrey (top) is a children’s show host in Kidding; Catherine Keener plays his sister and Frank Langella his father (above)
Oh joy Jim Carrey (top) is a children’s show host in Kidding; Catherine Keener plays his sister and Frank Langella his father (above)
 ??  ?? 何樂之有
Jim Carrey(最上圖)於《酸瓜先生的人生笑話》中飾演一名兒童節目主­持,而Catherine Keener及Fra­nk Langella則分­別飾演其姊姊及父親(上圖)
何樂之有 Jim Carrey(最上圖)於《酸瓜先生的人生笑話》中飾演一名兒童節目主­持,而Catherine Keener及Fra­nk Langella則分­別飾演其姊姊及父親(上圖) FIND KIDDING IN TV (COMEDY) ON THE INTERACTIV­E MENU於互動選單的­電視(諧趣喜劇)中觀看《酸瓜先生的人生笑話》

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