


What They Had

‘A delicately balanced, mature drama, What They Had portrays a family devastated by Alzheimer’s with accuracy, empathy and respect’ – Arizona Republic’s Barbara VanDenburg­h

《What They Had》

這部劇情講片 述因家人患有認知障礙­症而心力瘁交 的家庭,描繪精確,富同理心和尊重,是一部非常持平和成熟­的作品。

–《Arizona Republic》評影人

Barbara VanDenburg­h

The Kindergart­en Teacher

‘ The Kindergart­en Teacher is probably the only movie about poetry with an ending as tense as any thriller’ – The Guardian’s Jordan Hoffman



–《The Guardian》評影人Jordan Hoffman

Vertigo (top)

‘ The greatest sexual suspense drama ever made has come to be regarded by many Hitchcock admirers as his most accomplish­ed film. It is certainly his most forlorn, and easily his most mesmerisin­g’

– San Francisco Chronicle’s Peter Stack


不少Hitchcoc­k迷對都 這部愛情懸疑片推崇備­至,認為是他最技驚四座的­作品,無論你同意與,否 這部片一定是最能表現­其內心深處的渴求和迷­戀的電影

–《San Francisco Chronicle》評影人Peter Stack

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