
CARS 3反斗車王3


Animation 動畫

Director 導演 / Brian Fee

Voices 配音 / Owen Wilson, Cristela Alonzo

G 102 min /分鐘

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN is back for another round on the track in the third instalment of Pixar’s successful animation franchise. This time, Lightning ( Wilson) finds himself overshadow­ed by a new generation of rookie cars that rely on state- of-the-art technology to get ahead. Lightning decides to visit a racing centre and trains with race technician Cruz Ramirez (Alonzo). Cars 3 may deal with mature issues such as mortality, but its gentle nature and beautifull­y rendered racing scenes will please fans of all ages.

閃電王麥坤( Wilson聲演)在彼思動畫大熱的反斗­車王系列第三集載譽歸­來,這位曾經稱霸賽車界的­車神正面臨後浪的。挑戰 憑先進科技致勝的車壇­新星紛紛崛起,麥坤為了重返心愛的賽­道上,決定重返訓練場接, 受賽車工程師Cruz Ramirez(Alonzo聲演)的特訓。本片雖然觸及死亡等較­成熟的,議題 但其輕鬆的處理手法及­流麗的賽車場面依然老­少咸宜。

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