

卡地夫, Principali­ty Stadium球場


Match day in Cardiff is like no other: a stadium in the heart of town, with rival supporters mingling together as they stroll from Cardiff Castle, or engage in a mutual shedding of brain cells inside the dozens of pubs. The stadium, also known as the Millennium Stadium, really comes into its own when the weather is playing up. When rain closes the roof, and the Welsh start singing, there’s really no place like it.

在卡地夫的觀賽體驗絕­對不同凡響。球場位於市中心,主客兩隊的球迷同時從­卡地夫城漫步,入場 打成一片,或是城在 中的酒吧爭論得臉紅。耳熱 天色放晴時,被稱為「千禧球場」的場館更顯特色。下雨時,球場關上天幕,威爾斯人引吭高歌,洪亮的聲音更教是 人難忘。

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