

倫敦, Twickenham­球場


Twickenham, the largest ground in the world solely devoted to rugby, is a curious place for atmosphere. When things are going against the home team it can be as raucous as a meeting of the nearby Richmond Rotary Club; but when they’re on top, it positively rocks. Mainly to choruses of Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, an African-American slave hymn that somehow became England’s rugby anthem. Why? No one has the faintest idea.

Twickenham­是全球最大的欖球專用­場地。這裡的氣氛變化頗為端­極 ,當主隊形勢不利時,觀眾的情緒就如同毗鄰­的Richmond扶­輪社會員舉行議會 時那樣躁動;若比數領先,人們就會引吭高唱《Swing Low, Sweet Chariot》,這首美黑國 奴聖詩已成為英格蘭欖­球隊的隊歌,原因何在卻沒有人說得­清楚。

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