

開普敦, Newlands球場


South Africa’s oldest ground is most famous for its backdrop of Table Mountain. It’s one of the most atmospheri­c stadiums in the world – although my personal favourite memory of it was when it fell pin- drop silent in 1997 after Matt Dawson’s try clinched victory for the British and Irish Lions. At Newlands, the smoke comes from the sausages sizzling on the braais.

南非最古老的球場Ne­wlands,因背靠桌山而聞名。這是全球氣氛最熾熱的­球場之一,但我最難忘的回憶,卻是1997年Mat­t Dawson為國英 及愛爾蘭雄獅隊奮力奠­定勝局後,場內頓時鴉雀無聲的一­刻。Newlands球場­上經常見到煙霧飄起,那來是 自燒烤爐上烤得嗞嗞作­響的香腸。

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