Global Times - Weekend

China must tackle fake authors


While China has been promoting diverse evaluation methods for university staff, there is a rising trend among college teachers of paying to include their names as authors of books in a bid to qualify themselves for higher academic titles. They are given a variety of options at online platforms, such as being the sole author or chief editor of a book, with varied fees. This profitable business is booming because being the chief editor or author of a book is still a qualificat­ion requiremen­t at some colleges and universiti­es, but little attention is paid to the quality of such books. In which case, why not spend a little easy cash and reap the rewards? So goes the logic. But in the long run, this approach harms the academic environmen­t and undermines equality. It is shameful that teachers do such things as their job is not only about teaching students but also serving as role model to them. To rein in this unhealthy trend, relevant evaluation and management institutio­ns at universiti­es and also online platforms must tighten their scrutiny and supervisio­n.

 ?? Illustrati­ons: Peter C. Espina/GT ??
Illustrati­ons: Peter C. Espina/GT

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