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Romanian dressmaker­s revel in Dior folk coat vogue


They may feel aggrieved at not obtaining an official seal of approval, but traditiona­l Romanian dressmaker­s are riding a wave of demand for their folk designs after a top fashion house inadverten­tly showcased their craft.

Clothes makers from the northweste­rn Bihor region were more than a little bemused when they got wind of a 2017 Dior collection.

Their jaws notably dropped when they saw an embroidere­d folk coat which looked strikingly similar to the “cojocel binsenesc” waistcoat their region has been producing for around a century.

A Romanian version of the garment, historical­ly worn on important occasions, sells at home and abroad for around 500 euros ($580) – almost a month’s salary in one of the European Union’s poorest countries.

The Dior coat did not go unnoticed among the wider population either, after a resident of the regional city of Beius spotted it in a Singapore shop and posted it on Facebook, sparking a strong response from users which was picked up by the media.

“That day, I posted my first comment on Facebook, thanking the Dior fashion house for appreciati­ng this beautiful item,” Dorina Hanza, a 52-year-old embroidere­r who cottoned on to the similarity, told AFP.

La Blouse Roumaine, which promotes the Romanian blouse to encourage women to wear it, juxtaposed the different versions side by side on Twitter, adding #givecredit.

Yet Dior, which did not respond to AFP’s requests for comment, may well have done the Bihor designers a favor.

Demand has soared since the social media posts pointing out the similariti­es between both versions of the heavily embroidere­d, multicolor, sheepskin sleeveless jacket with black fur edging.

“Since then, everybody wants one” from the traditiona­l source, enthused Ana Florea, who runs a designers’ group in Beius, near the Hungarian border.

“This waistcoat is 100 percent ours,” she insisted.

Hanza, while happy to see the Romanian version in the limelight, said she just wished Dior could have given a nod to their apparent inspiratio­n.

“They could have said, ‘we borrowed this from the Romanian people,’” said Hanza, adding “the tradition might have been lost” had the current controvers­y not emerged.

‘Thanks Dior’

Diana Naprodean, 44, also sees an upside to the Dior garment.

“That proves it’s really pretty,” said the librarian, a hobbyist crocheter and embroidere­r who has just produced her own first attempt at the traditiona­l waistcoat.

“Thanks Dior. Thanks to you, we have begun to love our traditiona­l costume again,” said Diana Herdelo, 33, another from the Beius group who is weaving one of her own. The waistcoat is mad made from local B ia Bihor sheepskin after a tanning p process of around three weeks. It is then tailored a and decorated wi with local style emb embroidery and worn b by both men and women, although the length and motifs differ.

With traditiona­l regional costumes being worn by fewer and fewer people, demand for the clothes had almost died out until the controvers­y over the Dior jacket reignited interest.

One important detail on the Dior version did not escape the notice of Bihor residents though – the jacket worn by the fashion model was adorned with motifs – a phallic symbol – strictly worn only by men.

“Tradition doesn’t allow a woman to wear a man’s cojocel or the other way around,” Hanza said.

With interest piqued, Romania’s Beau Monde magazine and the McCann advertisin­g agency have launched an ad campaign entitled Bihor Couture, along with a website where fans can order a jacket and other traditiona­l items.

The site has already taken around 1,000 orders.

“Our goal is to help people in this region and showcase their work and their traditions which were in danger of dying out,” says Beau Monde’s former editor-in-chief Roxana Dobrita.

‘A living thing’

McCann’s creative director for Romania Catalin Dobre said he believes that “the fashion industry should do more to support traditions.

“Across the globe, the leading brands take their inspiratio­n from different cultures without recognizin­g it,” he told AFP in an email.

Horatiu Ilea, curator of the Romanian Peasant Museum, said he believes any accusation­s against Dior in this case are unjustifie­d.

“Culture is a living thing. Ideas get bounced around, you can’t stop that,” he told AFP, adding that “cultural appropriat­ion” has been going on since ancient times.

Rather than demand some form of redress, Ilea urged Romania “to benefit from this incident, by, for example, launching a campaign promoting traditiona­l and artisanal work.”

 ??  ?? Left to right: A screenshot of Give Credit’s Facebook page Photo: Facebook A woman shows off a traditiona­l outfit from the Bihor northweste­rn region of Romania. Photo: VCG A model shows off the Christian Dior 2017 collection. Photo: IC
Left to right: A screenshot of Give Credit’s Facebook page Photo: Facebook A woman shows off a traditiona­l outfit from the Bihor northweste­rn region of Romania. Photo: VCG A model shows off the Christian Dior 2017 collection. Photo: IC
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