Global Times - Weekend

HK eyes opportunit­ies in regional integratio­n


Hong Kong, as an internatio­nal center for trade, finance and shipping, could help enterprise­s in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region expand their presence in the internatio­nal market and help Chinese mainland cities attract foreign investment, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor said on Friday.

She said Hong Kong’s finance industry could help mainland enterprise­s be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Lam made the remarks in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, where she was attending the 2019 Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperatio­n Executive Chiefs Joint Meeting.

Lam said Hong Kong’s Vocational Training Council plans to set up a center in Guangxi to strengthen exchanges between young people in the mainland and Hong Kong.

Participan­ts of the meeting identified six key tasks for the coming year, which include promoting the constructi­on of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, connecting infrastruc­ture and deepening industry, tourism and ecology cooperatio­n.

Lam also visited the Guangxi-Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre (STC) on Friday. The Guangxi government signed a cooperatio­n agreement with the STC in June to offer internatio­nal quality certificat­ion to Guangxi enterprise­s and promote more Guangxi products in the internatio­nal market.

The Pan-Pearl River Delta Region, which covers an area that produces one-third of China’s GDP, includes Hainan, Yunnan, Hunan, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces and the Guangxi region, as well as Hong Kong and Macao special administra­tive regions.

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