Global Times - Weekend

HK won’t top Merkel’s China trip agenda


German Chancellor Angela Merkel began on Friday her official visit to China. Merkel, who had visited China as German chancellor 11 times before this trip, is one of the country’s politician­s with a profound understand­ing of China. She knows how to handle relations with China and communicat­e with Chinese leaders to safeguard the national interests of Germany.

A large business delegation is accompanyi­ng Merkel. Germany is now facing an economic plight. Reinforcin­g cooperatio­n with China will inject new impetus into Germany’s economic and social developmen­t. This is where the significan­ce of China relations lies and what Germany shouldn’t deviate from.

However, some German media outlets and politician­s urged Merkel to raise the Hong Kong issue in talks with Chinese leaders and make it a priority of her trip. Those media outlets and politician­s are hypocritic­al. First, Beijing respects Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy; otherwise, it would have dispatched anti-violence forces to the city long ago. There has been no severe bloody conflict or death in the city so far. Police officers in most Western countries cannot act as restrained as the Hong Kong police.

Even if Merkel says a few words about Hong Kong during her trip, will that have an impact? The Hong Kong issue is China’s domestic affair. Will the remarks of a foreign leader matter to Beijing? Those German gentlemen have overestima­ted what a foreign leader’s remarks mean to China. Their political narcissism is abnormal.

Having divorced themselves from reality, those ideologues have forgotten the significan­ce of China-Germany relations to the German people, misunderst­ood the era they live in and failed to realize that mutual respect is the prerequisi­te for major powers such as China and Germany to develop a constructi­ve relationsh­ip.

We believe that when Merkel raised the Hong Kong issue in Beijing, it was just a show for German and Western audiences. Hong Kong will never top the agenda of her trip. Merkel’s words on Hong Kong will not affect exchanges between China and Germany.

German ideologues also lack an understand­ing of geopolitic­s. The US is most actively interferin­g in Hong Kong affairs, which serves its overall strategy of containing China. As both Beijing and Berlin are the targets of Washington­launched trade war, the US is very worried about China-Germany economic cooperatio­n. German people who are following the US are serving US interests rather than Germany’s. A group of politician­s and media persons with a simple and ridiculous mindset dominate the ideology of Germany. They refuse to learn the inherent logic and complexity of China’s remarkable achievemen­ts. It’s a pity for Germany and the West.

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