Global Times - Weekend

Drag shows and hipster parties: Jerusalem has an exciting undergroun­d nightlife


Jerusalem, ancient sacred city and heart of the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict, takes on a wholly different tone around midnight.

Long after visitors have made their daytime pilgrimage­s to Muslim, Jewish and Christian places of worship, a handful of trend-setting clubs, bars and impromptu art galleries come alive.

The drag shows, hipster parties and hardcore punk bands in west Jerusalem seem a world apart from nearby Jewish ultra-Orthodox areas or the Palestinia­n neighborho­ods in the city’s eastern sector.

Compared with the many venues in Israel’s more affluent, free-wheeling commercial hub Tel Aviv, Jerusalem’s party scene is tiny.

But fans say their city has spawned a cuttingedg­e subculture.

“Jerusalem is a pretty extreme place, politicall­y and religiousl­y,” said Yaakov Baharav, 35, a member of the city’s Taltalisti­m art collective, which stages parties and art events around the city.

Israel claims all of Jerusalem, including the eastern part captured in the 1967 Middle East war, as its capital. Palestinia­ns want East Jerusalem to be the capital of a state they seek to establish in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.

Young liberals in the city sometimes feel they are on a mission to provide a haven of sanity – or craziness – open to people of all faiths, genders and nationalit­ies, who just want to have fun and break loose from Jerusalem’s harsh realities.

Not only is Jerusalem central to the IsraeliPal­estinian conflict, there is also friction between ultra-Orthodox residents and a dwindling Jewish secular community that often feels stifled by religious strictures.

The Taltalisti­m collective’s most recent project was to take over a deserted cinema complex in Jerusalem’s industrial area, turning it into a colorful venue for musicians and artists to put on shows.

“We try to provide people with the chance to enjoy total freedom,” said Baharav, as a naked man and woman wrapped in cling film slithered along the floor to ambient sounds played by a DJ in a performanc­e art show at the complex.

“Freedom is not something you can take for granted in Jerusalem,” he said.

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