Global Times - Weekend

New technology needs to balance privacy with utility

- By Xu Hailin The author is a reporter with the Global Times. xuhailin@globaltime­

Athief was captured in one of the buildings of my condominiu­m on Tuesday. The news created a buzz about security among homeowners in our WeChat group. As we speculated about how the thief would have managed to sneak in and how to prevent such security breaches, someone mentioned using a facial scan machine at the gate to replace the convention­al system that uses electronic key fobs.

“Many condominiu­ms have upgraded their door control system with facial scan,” the homeowner said. “It can help prevent strangers from entering.”

According to media reports, more than 100 condominiu­ms in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, have installed such gadgets in recent years. After residents register their personal informatio­n – including taking a portrait photo – with the condominiu­m associatio­n, they will need to stand still for one or two seconds before the screen to gain entry. Of course residents have the option of not going for the new system.

Some think this will help secure their community as the scanner can ring an alarm for police when it has come across the face of a wanted outlaw. Others feel facial scan will make their entry effortless, especially when both hands are occupied. And some

others are concerned about their privacy. “I feel like a naked man. My private informatio­n – address, family members, face, ID – is all there in the data bank,” a man who decided not to go for the new technology as he had suffered a data breach, said.

After iPhone users began to unlock their cell phones by facial scans, ordinary people became more familiar with the technology – which no longer only appears in a 007 movie. Normally, people don’t worry a lot about the safety of their biological informatio­n, such as face and fingerprin­t, collected by their cell phones that are personal items.

But a gate machine’s data bank is not the same, even though the gadget companies have promised that the data is encrypted and they bear legal responsibi­lity for protecting it.

Chinese people have become more concerned about informatio­n safety as they are worried about their privacy. I take this as a good sign for the consolidat­ion of rule of law in Chinese society. China has legislatio­n to protect personal informatio­n, including facial informatio­n that is rarely involved in criminal cases in the country. But as technology develops rapidly, current laws and regulation­s may fall behind, creating potential legal loopholes. Facial informatio­n is relatively special to people. No one would like to see their face appear at places it ought not to. People’s collective concerns can encourage authoritie­s to make quick moves in upgrading laws and regulation­s on collection, processing, storage and usage of facial informatio­n. This will not only fix potential legal loopholes but also guide the technology to develop in a direction that better serves people. It is understand­able that people hesitate to embrace new things when they feel insecure. The authoritie­s should value such inhibition as it gives them a good opportunit­y to find and solve problems. As for me, I would prefer to try new things. After all, there has to be someone to push forward the developmen­t, be it technology or something else.

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