Global Times - Weekend

India needs to show sincerity to implement 5-point consensus


China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmany­am Jaishankar in Moscow Thursday evening, and they reached a five-point consensus. This is generally believed to provide an important opportunit­y for China and India to ease the border situation. This helps cool down the two countries’ public opinion.

The consensus again mentioned the two troops should disengage as soon as possible, maintain a necessary distance, and speed up the completion of new measures to build mutual trust. But how should the consensus be implemente­d? The border situation has repeatedly eroded people’s confidence in the implementa­tion of the agreement.

The fundamenta­l problem between China and India is the lack of basic mutual trust. The border issue has been fully activated, forming the two societies’ confrontat­ion of wills. Both believe they have the advantage, and China’s advantage is based on strength. India’s sense of superiorit­y comes from its geopolitic­al mobilizati­on capabiliti­es.

The US, Japan and Australia are trying to win over India. New Delhi believes Beijing is afraid of this since China is being strategica­lly blocked by the US. India believes China will yield at the border.

China takes a defensive position, but India is trying to connect the China-India border conflicts with Indo-Pacific geopolitic­s, which is a gamble. The previous control mechanism, without the reinforcem­ent of political mutual trust, has been riddled.

China and India do not want to start a new war. The two militaries have engaged in scuffles many times, which have led to casualties. Indian troops have fired warning shots, but there has been no serious military conflict between the two sides. This has only happened at ChinaIndia border areas, which is enough to show the two countries do not want a war.

But the repeated conflicts and confrontat­ions also show that restoring peace at the border is no longer easy. The problem lies with India.

There are different forces in India, and the Indian government has less control over border policies than China. Nationalis­t sentiment through India’s election mechanism has a strong influence on the Indian government.

India’s national strength has indeed increased, but its gap with China has widened. However, Indian society does not believe so. Indian nationalis­t forces always have been conceited, such as “it is not 1962 anymore,” or India can come back with a vengeance on China once another war breaks out at the border. They have seriously overestima­ted their strength and support from the US, Japan and Australia. Some even imagine that a new China-India border war will be a joint war between the US, Japan, Australia, India and China.

Facts show that it is difficult for China to keep India rational on important issues through persuasion and talks. Our effective use of strength is indispensa­ble. We must increase the cost of risky gambles of India on the border issue. While making diplomatic efforts, we need to be prepared to completely defeat India’s illusions through military actions when those efforts fail.

To maintain territoria­l integrity and long-term tranquilit­y of our southwest border, no price is too high. This is not a slogan, but should be our true will. Chinese people love peace, but we will also fight when we have to. This is not just a facade to the outside world, but who we are.

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