Global Times - Weekend

Joint flotilla circles around Japan; base of US provocatio­ns within reach

- By Liu Xuanzun

The Chinese-Russian joint naval flotilla that transited the Tsugaru Strait days ago has since sailed along the east side of Japan’s main island to its south, almost making a circle around the island country, in a move Chinese experts said on Friday can bring balance to regional stability at a time when the US, Japan and other Western forces have been colluding to destabiliz­e the Asia-Pacific region.

After the joint flotilla consisting of 10 warships from China and Russia transited the Tsugaru Strait on Monday, the vessels turned southeast, and were then seen heading south along the east of Japan on Wednesday and sailing to the west through islands to the south of Japan’s main island on Thursday, Japan’s Ministry of Defense Joint Staff said in a press release on Friday.

If the vessels enter the East China Sea through the Miyako Strait or Osumi Strait, it would mean that they have encircled Japan, observers said.

Encircling Japan, particular­ly sailing to the east side of Japan, is of significan­ce because many key military installati­ons are located on that side, including the US Navy base in Yokosuka, headquarte­rs of the US Seventh Fleet, a Chinese military expert who requested for anonymity told the Global Times on Friday.

Many US military provocatio­ns on China in places like the Taiwan Straits and the South China Sea were launched from these bases, the expert said, noting that the joint patrol by Chinese and Russian vessels could be seen as a warning to the US and Japan, which have been rallying up to confront China and Russia, serve the goals of US hegemony and undermine regional peace and stability.

The joint maritime patrol is not just a voyage, but will also feature drills along the way to enhance the joint combat capability between the two navies, said Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and TV commentato­r.

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