Global Times - Weekend


- Page Editor: wanghuayun@globaltime­

Movie lines

The Lost City /《迷失之城》( m!sh~ zh~ch9ng)

1. Only a fool chooses their horse by its color.只有笨蛋才会根据颜色­来挑选马匹。( zh@y6u b-nd3n c1ihu# g8nj& y3ns- l1i ti`oxu2n m2p@.)

2. His brains are in my mouth. I can taste his thoughts.他的大脑好像长在我嘴­里一般。我能尝到他在想些什么。

( t`de d3n2o h3oxi3ng zh2ngz3i w6zu@l@ y~b`n – w6n9ng ch1ngd3o t`z3i xi2ngxi8 sh9nme.)

3. I thought you of all people would know not to judge a book by its cover.我以为你们都不会靠封­面来评价一本书。( w6 y@w9i n@m9n d4ub%hu# k3o f8ngmi3n l1i p!ngji3 y~b0nsh$.) 4. It’s the very first time I’ve ever seen you totally unafraid.这是我头一次见到你这­么英勇无畏。( zh-sh# w6 t5uy~c# ji3nd3o n@ zh-me y~ngy6ngw%w-i.)

5. How could I be embarrasse­d by something that makes so many people happy?让这么多人开心的事情,我怎么会为此感到尴尬­呢?

( r3ng zh-medu4 r9n k`ix~n de sh#q!ng, w6 z0nmehu# w-ic@ g2nd3o g`ng3 ne?)

6. You’re so afraid of life hurting you again that you’ve stopped living.你如此害怕生活再次伤­害你,以至于你已经停止了生­活。

( n@ r%c# h3ip3 sh8nghu5 z3ic# sh`ngh3i n#, y@zh#y% n@ y@j~ng t!ngzh@le sh8nghu5.)

7. My skill is sitting and thinking and eating when I can’t think.我的技能就是:无法思考的时候就坐下­来边吃边思考。

( w6de j#n9ng ji&sh#: w%f2 s~k2o de sh!h5u ji& zu7xi3l1i bi`nch~ bi`ns~k2o.)

 ?? Illustrati­on: Xia Qing/Global Times ??
Illustrati­on: Xia Qing/Global Times

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