Global Times

WinnersWi off theh 10thh Chi China B Book kA Award d forf Special Contributi­ons announced in Beijing


The winners of the 10th China Book Award for Special Contributi­ons were unveiled at a ceremony held by the China National Publicatio­ns Import & Export ( Group) Corporatio­n on Tuesday in Beijing.

This year the number of possible winners was increased from 10 to 20, while a new award, the Young Achiever Award, was introduced.

Five writers, four publishers and five translator­s received Special Contributi­on awards, while five Young Achiever Awards were awarded.

This marks the first time that contributo­rs from New Zealand, the Czech Republic, Romania, Peru, Latvia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Georgia have been awarded.

Founded in 2005, the award is mainly aimed at rewarding foreign scholars, writers, translator­s and publishers who have made great contributi­ons to the introducti­on of Chinese literature and culture overseas. Since its founding, 69 winners from 32 countries and regions have been awarded.

Among the winners, sinologist Peteris Pildegovic­s compiled the only Sino- Latvian dictionary; South Korean translator Kim Tae- sung played a hand in importing 200 Chinese works into South Korea; and Zuzana Li, a young translator from the Czech Republic, has translated and published A History of Art in Twentieth- Century China and best- seller Wolf Totem in her home country.

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