Global Times

US says no change in N. Korea nuke policy

Officials assure allies on denucleari­zation


The US on Thursday reassured its key Asian allies Japan and South Korea that its policy seeking North Korea’s nuclear disarmamen­t remains unchanged, after its intelligen­ce chief called it a “lost cause.”

Washington has always maintained it cannot accept North Korea as a nuclear state and, under President Barack Obama, has made any talks with Pyongyang conditiona­l on the country first making some tangible commitment toward denucleari­zation.

But in remarks to a thinktank earlier this week, US Director of National Intelligen­ce James Clapper suggested that such a policy was based on wishful thinking, saying, “The notion of getting the North Koreans to denucleari­ze is probably a lost cause.”

US Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken took issue with that view in Tokyo after a trilateral meeting with his Japanese and South Korean counterpar­ts.

“Our policy has not changed,” he told reporters at a joint news conference.

“We will not accept North Korea as a nuclear state, we will not accept North Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons. Period.”

The threat from North Korea is growing “more acute by the day” as the country ramps up its missile and nuclear tests, he added.

“We are focused on increasing the pressure on North Korea with one purpose: To bring it back to the table to negotiate in good faith denucleari­zation. That is the objective,” he said.

Agreeing with Blinken, Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Shinsuke Sugiyama said the three countries “are closely cooperatin­g” to implement existing UN Security Council sanction resolution­s on Pyongyang and adopt a new sanction “that is meaningful.”

The Security Council is currently discussing a new resolution to punish North Korea over its fifth nuclear test in September – having already imposed tough economic measures after a fourth test in January.

Clapper’s comment reflected an opinion widely held among North Korea experts but one only expressed in private by senior US administra­tion officials who feel a policy change is overdue.

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