Global Times

Parachutis­ts in illicit jump from Brazil skyscraper


Two Brazilian parachutis­ts jumped from a 46- story skyscraper in the heart of Sao Paulo, Brazil’s biggest city, this week after slipping past security, Globo news site G1 reported Saturday.

The notoriousl­y dangerous extreme sport known as BASE jumping involves jumping from a fixed object, such as a building or bridge, with parachutes specially designed to open quickly.

Arthur Zanella and Thiago Negao planned their jump for nearly a month before executing it from the Italia building late Wednesday. G1 obtained a video of the plunge Saturday.

The drop lasted 13 seconds, including three seconds of free fall before the parachutes opened. The pair landed on a major street at 10: 30 pm “when traffic is calmer and after hav- ing calculated the time when the cars stop” for a red light, Zanella told G1.

The Italia building ( Edificio Italia), at 165 meters high, is the second- tallest building in Sao Paulo and one of the trendiest tourist- frequented spots in the city of 12 million people.

Before jumping, the two men had dinner and drank a bottle of wine in the terrace restaurant with panoramic views from the 41st floor.

The pair hurried to a stairway leading to the outside of the building to avoid being stopped by security guards.

After their unauthoriz­ed jump, they went down into the subway to stow their gear, according to the video images, before celebratin­g their derringdo at a bar.

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