Global Times


Trump picks female critic and considers others for cabinet posts


in world diplomacy, d despite previously cl clashing with Trump. As one of two women tapped so far for Trump’s cabinet, t the daughter of Indian immigrants also injects a measure of d diversity in a group which until now consisted solely of men.

Murdered churchgoer­s

Last year, after a white supremacis­t murdered nine black churchgoer­s in South Carolina, Haley supported a decision by legislator­s to remove the Confederat­e flag from the state house.

The decision drew protests from racist groups. This year, while campaignin­g for Trump’s primary rival Marco Rubio, Haley called Trump out for his failure to repudiate the Ku Klux Klan ( KKK).

“I will not stop until we fight a man that chooses not to disavow the KKK. That is not a part of our party. That is not who we are,” she declared.

Trump, true to form, responded with one of his trademark Twitter insults, declaring: “The people of South Carolina are embarrasse­d by Nikki Haley!”

Trump’s choice last week of the self- described “economic nationalis­t” Steve Bannon, head of the right- wing news platform Breitbart, as his chief strategist delighted white supremacis­ts.

But on Tuesday, after video emerged of fans of the so- called altright making straight- armed salutes and chanting “Hail Trump,” the president- elect disavowed the movement.

Campaign rhetoric

As he works with his advisers in his luxury Mar- a- Lago golf resort outside Palm Beach, all eyes will be on the appointmen­ts he makes for a sign of the direction his administra­tion will take.

When it comes to security threats and global issues, the president- elect has reportedly received just two classified intelligen­ce briefings since winning the presidency, far less than his immediate predecesso­rs, according to the Washington Post newspaper.

The Republican’s limited engagement with his team of intelligen­ce analysts has some officials questionin­g the real estate mogul’s commit- ment to national security or internatio­nal affairs, arenas in which he has no significan­t experience.

When Trump’s November 8 election victory still seemed an unlikely prospect, many Republican­s and conservati­ve policy experts condemned his anti- Muslim rhetoric, his affinity for Russia or his isolationi­st and protection­ist positions.

Many of these figures are now moderating their tone and looking for work, whether they are lured by the prospect of a powerful job or are keen to serve US interests as a moderating influence inside a Trump administra­tion.

The former Iraq and Afghan war commander, retired general David Petraeus – who resigned as head of the CIA after he was caught sharing classified data with his mistress – made his pitch on Wednesday.

“If you’re asked, you’ve got to serve, put aside any reservatio­ns based on campaign rhetoric, and figure out what’s best for the country,” he told BBC Radio.

In May, Petraeus described hardline rhetoric like Trump’s threat to ban all Muslims from traveling to the United States as “toxic” and “corrosive to our vital national security interests.”

This week a Trump aide was photograph­ed carrying notes on a border security plan into Trump Tower. The first three points were legible in the picture, and pointed to stringent vetting for Muslim visa applicants.

Trump and his family will stay at Mar- a- Lago through Thursday’s Thanksgivi­ng holiday and the weekend. More meetings will be held on Monday with transition officials, his press office said.

Meanwhile, erstwhile Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton — who lost to Trump by carrying a minority of the Electoral College which decides the election outcome — saw her national lead in the popular vote tally pass 2 million votes.

 ??  ?? Women shout slogans as they attend a protest against US President- elect Donald Trump in front of Trump Tower on November 19 in New York. Top: South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley speaks during the 2016 National Lawyers Convention sponsored by the...
Women shout slogans as they attend a protest against US President- elect Donald Trump in front of Trump Tower on November 19 in New York. Top: South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley speaks during the 2016 National Lawyers Convention sponsored by the...
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