Global Times

Trump’s push to fund wall may be delayed as govt shutdown looms

- Page Editor: wangbozun@ globaltime­s. com. cn

US President Donald Trump indicated an openness on Monday to delaying his push to secure funds for his promised border wall with Mexico, potentiall­y eliminatin­g a sticking point as lawmakers worked to avoid a looming shutdown of the federal government.

Trump, in a private meeting with conservati­ve media outlets, said he may wait until Republican­s begin drafting the budget blueprint for the fiscal year that starts on October 1 to seek government funds for building a wall along the US- Mexico border, the White House confirmed.

Trump, whose approval ratings have slid since he took office, is facing a Friday deadline for Congress to pass a spending bill funding the government through September or risk marking his 100th day in office on Saturday with a government shutdown.

“Now the bipartisan and bicameral negotiator­s can continue working on the outstandin­g issues,” Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement on Monday night.

Earlier on Monday, Schumer reiterated an assertion made last week that bipartisan negotiatio­ns in Congress were going well until the White House began demanding money for the wall as a condition for accepting a funding bill.

Although Republican­s control both chambers of Congress, a funding bill will need 60 votes to clear the 100- member Senate, where Republican­s hold 52 seats, meaning at least some Democrats will have to get behind it.

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