Global Times

Le Pen’s father criticizes her presidenti­al campaign

‘ I would have had a more aggressive one’


French far- right veteran JeanMarie Le Pen said on Tuesday his daughter Marine, who faces centrist Emmanuel Macron in a May 7 presidenti­al runoff, should have campaigned more aggressive­ly for Sunday’s first round, following the example of Donald Trump.

With 7.5 million votes, Marine Le Pen beat the National Front party’s previous election record on Sunday but failed to pip pro- EU Macron to the first place.

The interventi­on by her father follows her announceme­nt on Monday that she plans to step back from day- to- day management of the far- right party he founded ahead of the runoff.

“I think her campaign was too laid- back. If I’d been in her place I would have had a Trump- like campaign, a more open one, very aggressive against those responsibl­e for the decadence of our country, whether left or right,” Jean- Marie Le Pen told RTL radio.

The two have been at odds since Marine Le Pen launched moves to clean the National Front’s image of xenophobic associatio­ns in the run- up to the campaign for the 2017 presidency.

Jean- Marie Le Pen shocked the world in 2002 by qualifying for the second round of the presidenti­al election and then went on to lose in a landslide to conservati­ve Jacques Chirac.

He was frequently accused of making xenophobic and antiSemiti­c statements and Le Pen expelled him from the party in 2015, though as the party’s founder he remains a wellknown figure and represents a body of opinion in the party.

In another sign of his influence, the National Front has borrowed about 6 million euros from a political fund- raising associatio­n he heads.

Marine Le Pen’s decision to take a leave of absence from the day- to- day management of the party appeared to be an attempt to portray herself as being above the narrow world of National Front politics and broaden her appeal to the wider electorate ahead of the crucial runoff vote.

Her program calls for sharp curbs on immigratio­n and on the rights of immigrants living in France, as well as the expulsion of foreigners under suspicion of having militant Islamist links.

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