Global Times

3 killed in latest anti- Maduro protests

Venezuela rocked by another day of violent demonstrat­ions


Three people were killed in Venezuela on Monday in another day of nationwide protests against leftist president Nicolas Maduro, raising the death toll to 24 in weeks of anti- government demonstrat­ions.

The latest casualties come on a day anti- Maduro demonstrat­ors blocked major roads in the South American nation, and as the opposition called for a mass protest in Caracas on Wednesday.

The steady stream of anti- government marches, which began on April 1, usually begin peacefully but then degenerate into clashes with security forces and even looting at night.

Two government trucks in eastern Caracas were set alight on a freeway by masked protesters who poured oil on the road. Police nearby did not immediatel­y intervene, AFP journalist­s saw.

Elsewhere in the capital, riot police fired tear gas at another group of protesters who threw stones at them.

“We’re blocking roads so that Maduro understand­s that he must leave. He has us enduring hunger. I can’t find milk for my 16- month- old baby,” said Amalia Duran, 41, a resident of the working class Caracas neighborho­od of Petare.

“I’m here because I’m tired,” added Yorwin Ruiz, 26, also protesting in Cara- cas. “I’ve been to more than 20 pharmacies searching for a simple antibiotic.” Ruize hoped that with the continuous protests “we at least can get elections.”

Opposition lawmaker Miguel Pizarro called for a mass demonstrat­ion on Wednesday, which he said will head downtown to protest outside one of three government offices – but he refused to say which because he didn’t want to give the government “72 hours to prepare” for the demonstrat­ors.

Hundreds of people have been arrested and injured in the clashes, which the government and opposition blame on each other. However, the majority of demonstrat­ors, who numbered in the thousands, rallied peacefully.

The return to violence in the Venezuelan streets after a weekend lull will further stoke internatio­nal concern over the country, whose economy is imploding despite vast oil reserves.

Maduro, who says Venezuela is the victim of a US- led capitalist plot, has stepped up a nationaliz­ation drive started by his late predecesso­r Hugo Chavez that has swept up plants and assets of foreign companies, including American ones.

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