Global Times

Indian censors want ‘ cow’, ‘ Hindu’ beeped in director Suman Ghosh’s new documentar­y film ‘ The Argumentat­ive Indian’


Indian censors have refused to certify a documentar­y film featuring Nobel prize- winning economist Amartya Sen unless words like “cow” and “Hindu India” are beeped out, the director said Wednesday, in the latest dispute involving the sensitive film board.

Suman Ghosh, a national award- winning director, said he screened his film The Argumentat­ive Indian – adapted from Sen’s book of the same title – for censors in eastern Kolkata on Tuesday.

After three hours of viewing, officials verbally asked him to delete the terms “cow” – an animal considered sacred for Hindus – “Hindu India” and “Gujarat.”

“In a piece of cinema, I think it’s bizarre to just beep something suddenly,” Ghosh told the NDTV news network, saying he was “quite shocked” by the censors’ objection.

“But I will not make any change at all,” he said.

The documentar­y had been set for release this weekend.

Filmed over the course of more than 15 years, Ghosh’s new work mainly features Sen, a vocal critic of Modi, and Kaushik Basu, who was chief economic adviser to India’s last Congress- led government, in a conversati­on that ranges from economics and philosophy to the global rise of right- wing nationalis­m.

It mentions communal riots in the western Gujarat state where at least 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, were killed in 2002 when Prime Minis- ter Narendra Modi was chief minister there.

Ghosh said he was yet to receive an official notice from the Mumbai- based Central Board of Film Certificat­ion ( CBFC).

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