Global Times

Handling harassment

Raising social awareness key to curbing improper behavior against woman in public: experts

- By Zhao Yusha

While the Chinese society is irked by continu- ntinuous media reports s of sexual harassment on public c transporta­tion, experts suggest gest raising social awareness can n play a vital role in stemming g the problem.

A woman in Beijing got stabbed several times after she got into a fight with a harasserse­r on a bus, news site thepaper.r. cn reported Wednesday, adding g that the woman was sent to a hospital and remained in a critical condition.

This report further intensi-sified an ongoing discussion about sexual harassment in public places, which was trig- ggered by several reports of harassers sharing their expe- erience of sexually harassing women on public transport in group chats.

This group of people par- - ticularly like to rub their pri-- vate parts against women’s bottom, and take pictures, videos or even share their “experience” with other group members.

“I just touched a female student. Her ass is so soft. But she noticed a little bit and nd stared at me for a second because I touched a little bit hard,” a man calleded “King” was quoted by the Phoenix Weekly as saying.

His behavior was lauded as “brave” in this particular chat group, with other members encouragin­g him to share more “personal feelings.”

Lack of resistance

The victims’ feeling of humiliatio­n has encouraged the harassers. A search for the keywords “metro” and “hobby” on popular instant messaging program QQ yields informatio­n about chat groups for people to share their “experience” and exchange videos or photos of victims.

While most group members claimed the victims just stare at them or simply walk away, “a few of them will fight back,” user “Wurennengd­ang” ( No one can stop me) said, according to the Phoenix Weekly.

“It’s like I was hit by a heavy hammer and I was totally frozen the time when a man rubbed his private part against my leg,” 26- year- old Zheng told the Global Times.

“It haunted me for days.”

“Victims always feel reluctant to speak out because they are afraid that no one will be there to support them, or because they feel embarrasse­d to make a fuss in public,” Luo Ruixue, a member of the Women Awakening Network, a women’s rights group, told the Global Times.

Moreover, Luo said that some people even criticize the victims for “simply thinking too much”, or ask them to let it go instead of “making a fuss.”

“After I told my colleagues that I got harassed by someone on the bus, one of my colleagues ( a man) half joked ‘ maybe it’s because your dress is too seductive,’” another victim, 26- yearold Vicky, told the Global Times.

Sting operation

Luo said that the government has acted to try to restrain sexual harassment in recent years.

Since June, Beijing police have conducted a sting operation in an effort to stem sexual harassment on the subway, arresting over 20 men who groped or made unwanted sexual advances on female passengers.

However, a police officer told the Beijing Times that “many cases have gone unreported because the victims were either embarrasse­d or felt their cases wouldn’t be dealt with seriously.”

The metro operator in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangdong Province introduced women- only carriages in June.

The city’s metro operator made the decision following suggestion­s from political advisors including Su Zhongyang, who pointed out that many women complained about their uncomforta­ble experience during rush- hour traffic.

According to the metro operator, there will be one female- only carriage in every train on metro Line 1 during rush hours– from 7: 30 am to 9: 30 am and between 5 pm to 7 pm on workdays.

However, many male passengers still get into these carriages because “other carriages are too crowded and men also want a comfortabl­e and spacious ride to work,” a male Guangzhou resident surnamed Ding told the Global Times.

Luo suggested the government make a law specifical­ly targeting sexual harassment, and clearly define harassment. China does not have a specific law to punish sexual harassment; there’s only a provision in the regulation on public security management which stipulates a 10- day detention and 500 yuan fine for nay harassment.

Luo added that it is important to raise public awareness about sexual harassment, especially among women. “Let women know that the harasser’s behavior can cause tremendous harm, both physically and psychologi­cally, to the victim, and teach them to have the courage to fight back,” said Luo.

According to a survey conducted by Minzu University of China in 2009, among the 1,000 female respondent­s, only 2.1 percent of the respondent­s said they would report sexual harassment to the police. Over 26 percent of the women said they had suffered sexual harassment on public transporta­tion, while 82.4 percent said they had heard or witnessed such behavior.

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 ??  ?? A “women only” bus parks in the street in Zhengzhou, capital of Central China’s Henan Province on April 28, 2016.
A “women only” bus parks in the street in Zhengzhou, capital of Central China’s Henan Province on April 28, 2016.

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