Global Times

Moon vows South Korea will not develop nuclear weapons despite threat


South Korea will not develop atomic weapons of its own despite the threat from the nuclear-armed North, President Moon Jae-in declared Wednesday.

“A push by North Korea to become a nuclear state cannot be accepted or tolerated,” Moon said in an address to parliament. “We also will not develop or own nuclear” arms.

South Korean media and opposition politician­s have called for US tactical nuclear weapons, which were withdrawn from the peninsula in the 1990s, to be returned.

Some have suggested that if Washington does not agree, Seoul should develop a nuclear capability of its own, in order to ensure what they dub a “balance of terror” on the peninsula.

But Moon said in his address that Seoul’s approach would be “based on the joint declaratio­n to denucleari­ze the Korean peninsula declared by both Koreas” in 1992.

Pyongyang carried out its first atomic test in 2006, and has made significan­t progress in its weapons technology under current leader Kim Jong-un.

The North hails its nuclear arsenal as a “treasured sword” to protect itself from potential invasion by the US.

Kim and US President Donald Trump have also traded personal insults in recent months, sparking concerns of a conflict on the peninsula where the 1950-53 Korean War left millions dead.

Tensions escalated further as Trump warned of “fire and fury” against the North and a “calm before the storm.”

But Moon insisted there could be no US military action without Seoul’s agreement, saying Koreans had to “determine the fate of our nation ourselves.”

“There should be no military action on the peninsula without our prior consent,” he said.

“We will not repeat the tragic history like colonizati­on and division during which the fate of our nation was determined regardless of our will,” he added.

Even some Trump advisers say US military options are limited when any armed conflict on the peninsula is expected to cause massive casualties.

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