Global Times


50,000 men sought improved sex; online scammer got 15 years in jail


The advert immediatel­y caught the attention of a man surnamed Yang, who at 47 years of age was looking to enhance his sagging libido.

All he had to do, the advertisem­ent promised, was to wear a pair of underpants that were embedded with 18 strategica­lly placed magnets.

He only need cough up 268 yuan ($45) for three pair and surely his he-man sex drive would return, the ad assured.

When the expected results didn’t happen he called a tollfree number that accompanie­d the underwear for a chat with a “tutor.”

The 26-year-old woman, surnamed Dai, coaxed Yang into buying a special treatment for the discount price of 3,680 yuan. Yang’s story was recounted by the news site

As directed by Dai, Yang soaked his magnet filled underpants in a boiling soup made of the concoction he had received that included dried mugwort leaves and slices of ginger.Accompanyi­ng Yang’s purchase of the soup mixture was special spray to be applied to his genitals that was supposed to extend his lovemaking sessions. Again he got no satisfacti­on. Yang was not the only man duped by the scam and the scammers have paid a heavy price for their deception.

Some 50,000 men were bought into the Magnet Pants swindle and the head rip-off artist, a man named Xie Qinrui, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for telephone fraud by the Tianhe district court in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangdong Province.

The court heard that Xie’s operation hired more than a hundred telephone “salespeopl­e” whose job was to upsell the men who had purchased the magnet-laden underpants, which were only the bait in a sophistica­ted con that started with the online advertisem­ent run by the Lanhai Technology Company, jiemian reported.

“You’ll never need to take an aphrodisia­c,” promised the headline of the ad, which guaranteed men who faithfully wore the “British Guardian” underpants would experience stronger erections, reported

The online ad asserted that the “British Royal Army” wore the underpants, which “gave off remote rays that could end premature ejaculatio­n and impotence.”

The advertisem­ent also offered free consultati­ons with a ‘tutor’ at the “British Guardian Underpants Center” who could provide an additional “tailored treatment.”

In cracking the case last July police brought charges against 119 people. Xie was sentenced in September.

‘Devout’ treatment

When Yang took the bait and called his “tutor” Dai. She told him his condition was “very rare and he needed a detox.”

Dai said he had to rid his system of “poisons … such as soybean residue that were affecting his private parts.”

News site reported on November 16 that the more than 50,000 men who were cheated lost 7.68 million yuan ($1.16 million).

More than 680 men complained the products were useless and a sham. They demanded their money back and cheaters prosecuted.

‘Sales army’

Yang’s “tutor” Dai said it wasn’t easy to persuade a man to buy products to treat a dysfunctio­n they regarded as “a skeleton on their closet.”

She said her company trained her and provided a script with the ‘right questions’ to be asked in the ‘correct tone of voice’ to entice her clients into making purchases.

“Oh my God, you only have sex once a month?” she was told to ask. “Normally men will have sex two or three times a week lasting 15 to 20 minutes,” reads the sample script.

“Yours only lasts one to three minutes? That’s premature ejaculatio­n for sure, no wonder you have so little sex,” said the sample script.

Dai’s workplace, in the bustling Tianhe district in Guangzhou, Guangdong also had a strict code of conduct for employees.

Female staffers are banned from wearing mini skirts or clothing that was too “revealing.”

The tutors were paid a commission after their sales volume surpassed 10,000 yuan. They earned commission­s of 12 percent once their sales exceed 100,000 yuan, according to,

The sales team was told they could avoid legal risks if they refrained from calling themselves “doctors” or “professors.” They were told to call the merchandis­e “health products” not medicine.

The company had a department to “monitor” phone calls. If a salesperso­n violated procedures four times he or she would be fired.

Fraud investigat­ors say the company purchased around 100,000 of the magnet filled underpants from suppliers from October 2015 to August 2016 at a cost of between 17 yuan each and 30 yuan each.

A web search by the Global Times shows numerous advertisem­ents for magnet-laden underpants can still be found on China’s e-commerce platforms, such as Taobao. Prices range from 180 yuan to 1600 yuan a pair.

 ??  ?? A man passes a sign offering China-made Viagra.
A man passes a sign offering China-made Viagra.

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