Global Times

Anger in UK over reported EU divorce bill

London, Brussels agree 45-100 billion euro deal: reports


Brexiteers and europhiles reacted angrily to reports Wednesday that Britain will pay up to 55 billion euros to leave the European Union, putting pressure on British negotiator­s ahead of key talks.

London and Brussels have agreed that Britain will pay between 45 and 55 billion euros ($53-63 billion), according to the Daily Telegraph.

The Financial Times reported Britain would cover EU liabilitie­s worth as much as 100 billion euros, but when structured as net payments over many decades that could drop to less than half that amount.

EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier refused to confirm the reports, calling them “rumors.”

“There is a subject on which we are continuing to work – despite the claims or rumors in the press today, that’s the issue of financial engagement­s,” he told a security conference in Berlin.

Pro-Brexit supporters reacted with anger to the reports, with leading campaigner Nigel Farage calling the reported figure “utterly unacceptab­le.”

“For a sum of this magnitude to be agreed in return for nothing more than a promise of a decent settlement on trade represents a complete and total sellout,” he wrote in the Daily Telegraph.

Meanwhile, pro-EU Labour lawmaker Chuka Umunna said the government’s apparent climbdown dispelled pro-Brexit campaign claims.

“This is a whopping great symbol for the impossibil­ity on delivering Brexit on the terms it was sold to the British people,” he told BBC Radio.

Investors were more optimistic that the reports heralded a breakthrou­gh, sending the pound 0.5 percent higher against the dollar, a two-month high.

The newspapers said negotiator­s, headed on the British side by leading Brexit official Olly Robbins, reached the understand­ing at meetings in Brussels last week.

An agreement would be a major breakthrou­gh as Britain prepares for an EU summit in December where it is hoping to get the go-ahead to start the next phase of talks on future trade ties with the EU.

It would leave two major areas on which the two sides still do not agree – expatriate citizens’ rights after Brexit and the future of the Irish border.

“The deal on the money is there,” a senior source involved in the negotiatio­ns told the Telegraph.

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