Global Times

World: Congress vote to avoid govt shutdown

Democrats insist spending bill include measures to support ‘Dreamers’


Republican leaders in the US Congress stepped up their efforts to pass a temporary extension in funding government operations and avert a shutdown, scheduling a vote on the measure for late Thursday.

For months, the Republican­controlled Congress has been struggling to fund the government, which is now operating on its third temporary funding extension since the 2018 fiscal year began on October 1.

Democrats insist that a longterm spending bill covering “Dreamers,” illegal immigrants brought to the country as children, who were protected from deportatio­n by former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

While some Senate Democrats have threatened to vote against a budget bill that does not include an immigratio­n deal, President Donald Trump said he believed such an agreement remained possible.

Trump has ordered DACA to end in March and asked Congress to come up with a legislativ­e fix.

But bipartisan congressio­nal negotiatio­ns with the White House faltered last week, prompting Republican leaders to begin pushing for the passage of a stopgap measure to fund the government through February 16.

The White House said on Wednesday it supported the passage of a short-term funding measure and that immigratio­n talks could resume next week.

“Let’s make a budget deal by Friday and let’s come back to work aggressive­ly on Monday and make a deal on DACA and responsibl­e immigratio­n reform,” White House spokespers­on Sarah Sanders said.

Republican­s hold a 51-49 majority in the Senate and most legislatio­n, including spending bills or an immigratio­n deal, will require 60 votes to pass.

Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the chamber would take up the short-term funding measure as soon as the House approves it.

But Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said on Wednesday that there was “revulsion” among his colleagues for the stopgap proposal in the House and that an “overwhelmi­ng number” would not support it.

At least one Republican, Senator Lindsey Graham, who is involved in the immigratio­n negotiatio­ns, has also said he would not vote for a short-term funding measure.

It was also unclear whether Republican­s would have the votes in the House to pass a short-term fix since members of the conservati­ve House Freedom Caucus prefer additional defense funding.

The group’s leader, Representa­tive Mark Meadows, said on Thursday there was not yet enough support among conservati­ves for the short-term funding measure.

“We still don’t have the votes here in the House. We made good progress last night. Hopefully, we’ll get there today,” Meadows told MSNBC, the cable news network. He said he spoke with Trump on Wednesday night. “He does not want a shutdown. He made that very clear.”

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