Global Times

Time for US to show goodwill in China ties

- By Ren Yuanzhe The author is an associate professor, Department of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Management, China Foreign Affairs University and a research fellow at the Collaborat­ive Innovation Center for Territoria­l Sovereignt­y and Maritime Rights. opi

Compared with the progressiv­e China-US interactio­ns of 2017, the most critical and consequent­ial relationsh­ip of the modern era is pervaded with a strong flavor of pessimism. Many observers foresee the end of the honeymoon period between China and US President Donald Trump, if it existed at all.

On December 18, 2017, the Trump administra­tion released a new National Security Strategy (NSS), in which China is mentioned 23 times and seen as a “competitor” in the political, economic and military spheres, and a “revisionis­t power” seeking to “shape a world antithetic­al to US values and interests.” Many analysts perceive it marks a hawkish turn on China.

The Trump administra­tion is gradually showing real teeth. On January 17, the guided missile destroyer the USS Hopper sailed within 22 kilometers of Huangyan Island in the South China Sea. This is the first so-called freedom of navigation operation in months and the first such passage near Huangyan Island. It also took place on the eve of the release of the National Defense Strategy – a document replete with warnings about China. In the document, China and Russia are regarded as the top threats to US national security, which indicates the Trump administra­tion is taking a hard line against the two countries.

Trade is an even bigger challenge for China and the US. Many are still catching up to the reality of the shifting deep forces in US-China economic relations. The Trump administra­tion is putting a lot of emphasis on its launch last year of a “Section 301” investigat­ion into China’s intellectu­al property practices. Trump and his economic adviser Gary Cohn said China had forced US companies to transfer their intellectu­al property to China as a cost of doing business there.

An increasing proportion of American intellectu­als believe 2018 is going to be largely about China. Last week, as influentia­l voices within the US business community warned China that the Trump administra­tion is “deadly serious,” a senior White House official said, “The president’s advisers are unified on this. Across the board everyone sees China as a major threat that needs to be dealt with.”

A survey by the World Economic Forum found that more than nine in 10 experts polled are worried about worsening economic or political confrontat­ions between world powers, amid a trend toward “charismati­c strongman politics.” In this context, the outlook for this year is quite pessimisti­c.

It is hard to say that the Trump Administra­tion is making a 180-degree turn against China. Clearly, the Trump team has chosen to stay true to its campaign rhetoric in executing its China policy. These policy positions and ideology are not necessaril­y revisionis­t. In fact, they largely align with many long-standing Chinese policies. The US wants a prosperous and secure China that acts as a responsibl­e stakeholde­r in the world system and a good neighbor in Asia, under the premise that the US maintains the only hegemony in the world. However, as China moves closer to center stage in the world, US elites are becoming more worried about the power transition or power sharing and feel regretful about ushering China into the internatio­nal system.

Last week, the US Trade Representa­tive released annual reports on China’s and Russia’s WTO compliance. The Trump administra­tion became the first to declare that letting China join the WTO in 2001 was a mistake, using a long report to Congress into China’s membership to issue a list of complaints about Beijing. That is a remarkable departure from past US policy, which has always argued that bringing China into the global fold had been good for the world.

Although it is not clear whether or not a broad spectrum of American sentiment toward China has changed significan­tly, to the degree commensura­te with those government documents and provocativ­e actions, we still have enough reason to worry about China-US relations in the short term. What Trump starts now could quickly devolve into full-blown strategic competitio­n, with dire implicatio­ns for the management of many issues regionally and globally, including the East and South China seas, Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula.

Until now China’s reaction toward the Trump administra­tion has been quite restrained, rational and forwardloo­king. Instead of prioritizi­ng the short-term nationalis­tic interest, China unswerving­ly works toward building robust, steady and sound economic relations. Of course, now China has every right and capability to retaliate if the Trump administra­tion even gets tougher on China for its domestic politics.

Due to their shear wealth and influence, US-China strategic interactio­ns may be the most important for the future of the world. Perception­s of security and insecurity matter even more so when nations already perceive their strategic goals to be in competitio­n with, or in opposition to, the goals of others. Without clear-eyed understand­ing from each side, strategic interactio­ns between China and the US appear likely to end in confrontat­ion, which would be far more severe than the Cold War between the US and the USSR of the last century.

Last year, China and the US successful­ly realized two summits and nine phone calls were made between the two leaders, which injected big incentives and stimulus amid big uncertaint­y over bilateral relations. At present, we should embrace more positive interactio­ns and reinforce strategic trust, rather than emphasizin­g strategic competitio­n. In this sense, US Defense Secretary James Mattis’ first official visit to China in the spring is very critical. It is time for the US to show some true goodwill.

 ?? Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT

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